MovieChat Forums > The Book of Eli (2010) Discussion > Why does hollywood hate cats so much?

Why does hollywood hate cats so much?

this movie is an example, so as hundreds of other movies.
here, the protagonist at first killed a cat, then offered its meat to a rat (instead of killing the rat as well since he's in desperate need for food). Next the bad guy's cat (of course the bad guys have to own cats in all movies) was walking on the desk when he pushed it violently for no apparent reason. Then i shut the movie off, and read the plot on Wikipedia because I couldn't care about the animal abuser protagonist any more.
Apparently in Hollywood movies good guys have to hate cats and abuse them 😠


Nah, Hollywood doesn't hate cats. Nor did Eli.

Eli was hungry so he laid a trap and waited patiently for something to come along. When the cat came along he could have said to himself that he would wait for a mouse to come along instead, but that would be stupid.

What would you have done? Killed a mouse and fed it to a cat!

I like cats too, but if I was really hungry I would kill a cat and eat it.


He didn't "violently" push the cat. He merely shooed it from walking on his belongings. If that was enough to make you turn off the movie, you're a drama queen.


Fvc< cats, they're sneaky bastards.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Exactly. And for all we know Eli refused to eat rats because they are impure (religious).

Or they carry radiation in their meat because they eat something or other (insert thin excuse based on post apocalyptic science) .

Or he did genuinely, and like maaaaaannnnny humans, dislike cats for the vermin they are.

Cats are infinitely less domesticated than either rats or dogs, after all.


Rats are domesticated and cats are vermin?

So, when exactly did you lose any contact to reality?


Rats have cohabited with humans for tens of thousands of years, pretty much since we came down our of trees. Cats (last I looked) about 5000...

They are neither of them particularly useful, nor domesticated.

Nearly all cultures on this green Earth have considered dogs our friend (because they are useful and have been *effectively* domesticated, that is they are *useful*), and cats and rats vermin. There are still plenty of people that consider both vermin today.

My saying cats were vermin is true for many cats today, nearly all cats in the past, and certainly all cats in the atomic future. Get over it.


Last I Checked cats has done more for humans then other animal on the planet together with snakes, there is a reeason why the egyptians worshipped cats and snakes, they kill vermin protecting their plants and farms from vermin, pretty ludicrous saying they are not useful. A cat is a farmers best friend as a shepard has the dog as his best friend.

Sure he needed food you take what you get, but wasting precious food on a rat, well that is pretty synical, and then shove a cat for no appearant reason, sure dont want to befriend it, or its "Dirty" I can get that.

Everything has a purpose in nature, except us we just roll over it like a Hulk.


"Last I Checked cats has done more for humans then other animal on the planet"

You are clearly desperate to defend kitties, or a complete lunatic.

I don't know anyone that eats cat.
I don't know anyone that wears cat leather.
I don't know any agriculturalist who would thank a cat before the cows, goats, sheep, dogs, bees, spiders, hawks etc etc that make their production possible and successful.

"A cat is a farmers best friend."

Clearly an expression popular with lunatics.


Yup, OP is just a drama queen.


In this case I think it has to do with the fact that cats tend to be sneaky and move *beep* Which could be a problem for a blind person.

instead of killing the rat as well since he's in desperate need for food

There's not really enough meat on a rat to bother. It would take more energy to kill and skin it than he would get from eating the meat.

Next the bad guy's cat (of course the bad guys have to own cats in all movies) was walking on the desk when he pushed it violently for no apparent reason.

The cat was walking next to his *beep* on the bar counter. I'm not sure he even knew it was there. It looked to me like something touched his hand, he pushed it away THEN it hissed at him. Keep in mind that he can't see the cat and it wasn't making any noise before it touched his hand.

Then i shut the movie off, and read the plot on Wikipedia because I couldn't care about the animal abuser protagonist any more.

Then you're an idiot, because he wasn't an animal abuser and you missed the information that made his reaction to the cat in the bar make sense in retrospect.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Cats taste better than dogs, so in any post-apocalyptic film they're the new chicken.


Because if it was a dog, he would befriend it and one day when he is in a jam, the dog will fight to defend him.

A cat would just stare at you while you get your arse kicked and purr or yawn.

*beep* cats.

If Ari Gold saw Chappie he would say:
"Chappie makes Elysium look like Citizen Æ’vcking Kane"


I read somewhere explaining the difference between a cat and a dog.

If you're locked in a room with a dog and die, the dog would starve rather than eat you. A cat on the other hand would eat you at the first opportunity.


Which is why cats are awesome.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.



Ain't that true?

Btw, I prefer dogs more than cats, dog are submissive beings in contrast to cats.


Gee, way to stereotype an entire race for the practices of a tiny minority.


Because cats are superior to humans. Hollywood types know that only in their fantasy world can they prevail so they assuage their fragile egos by beating on felines. 😾



I've always had a FEELine Hollywood was PURRedujiced


i was hoping someone would post hollywood hate cats because they don`t pray to god, i don`t pray or believe in god myself nor do i care if hollywood hates me.
