King James Version

Ironic that the one false version of the Hebrew Holy Bible would be the centerpiece of this movie.

If there was EVER a book that should have been lost forever...that was the one.


Amen. But hey, keeping with tradition, one man sat down and recited what he heard/read while another man took notes..."according" to Eli.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Why do you say that about the KJV?


Given the bible was full of distortions and falsities and written by fantasists long before King James ordered a doctored version any accusation that it is distorted seems a little ironic.

But I do get what you are saying.


You're an idiot. And also, it wasn't even the King James Version that Eli was reciting at the end, despite his claim that it was, so whoever wrote the script was an idiot too. The version he was reciting was the New King James Version, albeit with a couple of errors (he added an "and", and replaced an "on" with "upon"). The NKJV has nothing to do with the KJV in spite of its misleading name. It's a completely different translation, and some of the sources they used weren't used by the KJV translators (e.g., Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint).

The KJV is a literary masterpiece, while all of the more modern English translations, including the NKJV, are laughable.


I like the KJV but it was neither the first English Bible nor the last. Yes, it's important, but it's not specially ordained by God. Not even the translators or James himself held this view, especially considering that it is essentially a revision of William Tyndale's earlier work.

There are some nice, literary modern translations that are faithful to the source material. You might like the New American Standard Bible.


Funny. I am a Christian and a lot of the Christians I know love the King James Bible. But I prefer NIV. I don't like that old English with Though and Thee.


I grew up largely on the NIV, but lately I have found myself going back to the KJV. There is something about the language that infuses the text with a majesty you don't get elsewhere.

I do still refer to the NIV sometimes though, and also to the NRSV and the ESV. Actually, there are a lot of translations that I use. The NET, HCSB and WEB also come to mind.
