MovieChat Forums > Terrifier 2 (2022) Discussion > Depraved horror movie causes viewers to ...

Depraved horror movie causes viewers to vomit, faint in the theater


I read this the other day, I don't believe it. The sources are twitter posts which were then reported on by BloodyDisgusting who distributed the film. Too easy to fake, drumming up attention for an indie flick.


I was wondering whether this was true or not. Thanks for the input.


How gory could this be? Dawn if the Dead was last movie I heard of that caused this kind of reaction


From the trailer it looks very gory but I still question whether a movie can actually make people vomit or faint. It's probably a PR stunt.

It looks really good though, better than the first which I wasn't so crazy about. All Hallows' Eve, also with Art The Clown however, I thought was fantastic!

I never heard that about Dawn Of The Dead! Which one, 1978 or 2004? 2004 is one of my absolute favorites!


1978. The scenes where the bikers got disemboweled

Reminds me of this scene from Crazy People: (@3:15)


Thanks for sharing, that was hysterical!


I think so too.


I haven't seen this yet however some people have called this the goriest film they've seen. I wouldn't really believe this claim but this film is definitely veering heavily into 'torture porn' territory. The death scenes are supposedly prolonged and brutal.

I recall someone claiming the director stated he was going to recreate a famous true crime murder in this, knowing what murder it is...yeah the film could be pretty fucked up.

Spoilers for the alledged kill scene;
Apparently the director said he was going to recreate a Jack the Ripper kill, which would certainly be the Mary Jane Kelly murder.

The crime scene image can be found on the Jack the Ripper wikipedia page. You'd think real gore wouldn't be allowed on there but alas. She was skinned, defleshed, disfigured and disemboweled.

Depends how the FX hold up and how much they show but someone getting skinned and disemboweled could be quite graphic.


I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I just hope it's done well, not sloppy just for the sake of it. We'll see. . . . . . .


I don't recall a kill/death scene like that (that was mentioned in the blacked out area). Just heads getting ripped off along with arms, legs, and hands. Plus internal organs getting ripped out, or Art would open them up so you get a second or two of seeing their insides. The movie was pretty gory, but I feel I've seen worse. It was mostly a lot of blood, not so much gore. I want to say one of the Saw movies or Hellraiser movies were worse, especially since I had to pause Saw 3 like 2-3 times during the brain surgery scene because I had the feeling of throwing up (and the feeling led to me sweating a little bit), but I never paused Terrifier 2 because of the gore being too much. All I had to do at times was just look away. The only time I did pause Terrifier 2 was because I needed to go to the bathroom and couldn't hold it in any longer. And I paused the movie and went to the bathroom during a "downtime" scene. Not during a death/kill scene. Also, nothing in Terrifier 2 grossed me out like the scene in the first Terrifier where the girl gets slice/sawed in half. Maybe because they had Art take his time sawing her in half, but everything in Terrifier 2 was quick cuts/happened quickly. Nothing felt too dragged out/kept going and going like the scene in the first movie.


Having just watched the film, there is a kill like I mentioned. The friend who gets killed in her bedroom and then her Mother walks in seeing her on the bed. It was inspired by the MJK kill by Jack the Ripper though clearly not a 1-for-1 copy.

As for your general sentiments, yeah this film is gory and brutal but not the worst ever. As you say people who have seen the Saw and Hostel films should be fine with this.


I was sort of thinking one of Sienna's friends. Those two had some of the most brutal/extreme/goriest deaths in the movie, but I wasn't 100% sure.


Bogus paid shills for PR. There are lots of disgusting gore porn out there already. I doubt this is any worse.


You're probably right


I think the scene in the firs movie of the girl getting sawed in half was more graphic and stuff than anything in the sequel. Also, I had to pause Saw 3 about 2-3 times during the brain surgery scene. I never really had to pause Terrifier 2 and take a break like Saw 3. All I had to do while watching Terrifier 2 was look away for about a second or two. So I sort of think someone (well, maybe more than just one person) overhyped the movie's gore a little too much. Same thing with Hellraiser 2022. I heard that movie was SUPER gory as well. Wasn't too bad. Like Terrifier 2, I just had to look away for a couple seconds at a time when watching Hellraiser 2022. There was no pausing or tapping out.


It wasn’t so bad. There is a lot of gore and blood, but it’s done in a cartoonish style


When you say cartoonish style it sounds like there's humor in it and that usually turns me off in a horror film. Did you think it was scary?


Well, Art does do goofy stuff after killing a person, especially if there is someone around he can turn to and make a face at and stuff. But I think I get what Redban is saying about cartoonish. Go watch the shootout in Django Unchained after Leonardo DiCaprio's character dies/is killed. The way the gore/blood is done in that shootout, you kind of laugh at it because of how ridiculous it gets. Like a guy keeps getting shot (especially when Django uses him as cover) and blood is spraying everywhere every time he is shot. It's kind of graphic, but a little humorous (or cartoonish) because of how over-the-top/ridiculous it is. You are more laughing at stuff than being disgusted/grossed out. The gore is a little extreme and disgusting at times in Terrifier 2 than Django Unchained, but there is still that over-the-top/ridiculousness to it at the same time. With Terrifier 2, you are looking away and kind of laughing at the same time. Hopefully I explained stuff well. I'm trying to explain stuff while tired.


Thanks very much for all of your input. I'll wait until it comes on streaming to see it. This way I won't be as disappointed if I don't like it. It sounds good, although, as I mentioned, I don't like humor mixed in with horror, it lessens the effects for me.

You say in your other comment that you didn't have to pause the movie. How did you see it? I thought it was still only in theaters?? What am I missing? 🙂


jcnyclv pal. The film got accidentally released on Amazon Prime (it was an accident because it was quickly removed), HD copies are all over the internet.


I just looked on Prime and it's not available there anymore. After searching I found it's available on Hulu and HBO Max. I don't subscribe to either one but I can try the free trial and then cancel. I've never actually done that, it's a little too underhanded for me. Do you know anywhere else I can watch it? Thanks!!


There is humor because of Art’s facial expressions, but the manner in which he kills people seemed over-the-top and exaggerated (I can’t give specifics without spoiling those scenes). It was more like something you’d see in the itchy and scratchy cartoons in the Simpsons

I think the violence and gore in Hostel and Saw were more disturbing because those 2 films had a more realistic depiction


I know just what you mean. I've seen many movies where the gore is like that and I don't appreciate it. I will see it but I'm not in a hurry at this point. Thanks so much for your input.


The movie wasn't too bad. I managed to survive. I thought I would need to take several breaks while watching the movie. I was someone that REALLY got grossed out when watching the one girl get sliced/sawed in half in the first movie (I finished the first movie, but came to the conclusion that it was a one-time watch after that scene of the girl getting sliced in half). I'm also someone that had to pause Saw 3 about 2-3 times during the brain surgery scene and go for a walk around the house each time since I wanted to throw up (I was sweating heavily during that scene and had the urge to throw up (the feeling of throwing up causes me to sweat)). So I thought all these claims about Terrifier 2 were going to be one of those rare times to be correct. I've been hearing Terrifier 2 tops the scene of the girl getting sawed in half, and if I couldn't handle that scene, that I was in BIG trouble when I watched Terrifier 2. But I got through Terrifier 2 just fine. I never really had to pause the movie and go for a walk since I was sweating and felt like I needed to throw up. I didn't tap out either and shut off the movie. I handled things fine. All I had to do when things got extreme (gore wise) was simply look away for about a second or two. I'll probably never watch Terrifier 2 again though (like the first movie), but I survived it. And I only watched the sequel because I heard it was one of the best horror movies of 2022 and all that. Plus I did it for bragging rights. But yeah. I got through the movie fine overall. So I suppose once again, I can call BS on these claims of people vomiting and fainting and all that "fun" stuff they always say happens when there is a new horror movie coming out and had early screenings. Terrifier 2 is a little more believable when it comes to these claims than some of the previous movies throughout the years, but still, overall, I can sort of call BS on the claims once again.


My tax bill makes me do that every year.


🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, mine too!
