I'm just up to episode 4.
My question is this: Once the "angel" bit him and his youth (and presumably his wits) returned, did he still believe it was an angel and not a vampire?


I watched the whole thin and enjoyed it, but they never say vampire during the entire thing.


I liked it too, except for too much choir music for me.
And no, nobody ever said vampire. Not even the non- Christians.


The creature wasn't a vampire, it had wings and the power to heal. Angels in the Bible are described as terrifying so it makes sense that a man who had believed that angels were real and present his whole life, would think that God sent the angel to him. He was in the Holy Land as well.


But, anybody that lived in the 20th century knows what vampires are, too.
Wings, drinks blood, harmed by the sun.
I'm probably wrong, but I don't think angels are described as blood drinkers or harmed by the sun.


Demons or fallen angels are described as feeding on blood if I recall. And there is also a bit about them being cast from the light to wander in darkness.

When we first encounter the ‘Angel’ I was thinking vampire as well, but now I don’t think so. It was a fallen angel.


Agreed. Also, I turned on subtitles, and it refers to the creature as "angel", not vampire or anything like that.
