They up the wacky lunacy higher with each sequel.

Yet another hilarious installment in Eric Roberts' Dr. Stalker franchise. And the plots just keep on getting more and more over-the-top and outlandish. This one I found to be a little boring in the first act but it definitely picks up. You could tell Eric is most definitely enjoying this role. And I bet he's most definitely enjoying all the beautiful young females with big breasteses that he constantly gets to make out with LOL. And I'm happy we got to see double the Eric again in this one. It should have been triple the Eric though because not only do they have him playing his Hawaiian shirt wearing, level-headed, good side of his conscience. But this time we also get the evil perverted bad side of his conscience. But for some weird reason they have a different actor playing it where it should be Eric playing it. I didn't think it was really necessary at all because when he's arguing with his conscience he's already the bad guy. But I think what they wanted was the good angel/bad angel dynamic. Still nothing yet on why he is the way he is. Hopefully in the 5th one it'll mention something. Poor Dr. Beck just can't find the true love he's looking for. Ya kinda feel sorry for him sometimes LOL. Maybe he'll be more of a "normal" fella in the next one as this one ends with him getting a high dose of electroshock therapy LMAO!!!! I highly doubt it though, but you never know. 😂😂😂😂

So here's the full movie if anybody's interested. No ads, pop-ups, sign ins, or registration. Just click on the movie and enjoy.
