MovieChat Forums > Don't Worry Darling (2022) Discussion > Would have been better if [SPOILER]

Would have been better if [SPOILER]

There was no 'virtual reality' element, I don't see why they couldn't have had their memories wiped and then woken up in a real secret village in the middle of a desert somewhere.

The VR seemed to be an unnecessary gimmick, unnecessary complication


I tend to agree, except that since it was VR, Alice is able to escape. She probably goes to the authorities and the place is closed down. If every woman's memories were wiped, no one could be saved. It would have ended just like The Stepford Wives (1975), with no hope of escaping.


The ended left me thinking that they are setting up for a sequel.

Since this is a movie was based on patriarchy elements, traditional gender roles, it’s only fair that at the end right before she escapes we see “Frank” (I think that’s his name- its the guy who runs Victory”) his wife stabs him and says something along the lines of ”STUPID MAN! It’s my turn now“- because of course he has to turn into a feminist narrative where women are so oppressed lol.

It is unacceptable to kidnap and chain up your unconscious significant other just so he can keep her to himself a simulation. Especially because her real world body is just decaying in bed for the foreseeable future.

to be perfectly honest, as a 30 yr old woman I would LOVE to live the perfect life that was portrayed in this movie. There’s no way I would get into the simulation unless it was my only option or I was extremely desperate.

*if you browse youuTube, every other channel/video is going to tell you that we are already living in a simulation lol.


A sequel? How would that even work? That makes no sense.

Are you trying to say that YOU are a woman or are you quoting someone else? There is no way in Hell that life would be perfect for a woman. They are basically slaves. Their whole lives center around the men.


Not sure about a sequel. As I said I'm pretty sure Alice would go to the authorities and everything would be shut down.

If there was a sequel, it would have to be run by totally different people. Frank's wife would probably be in jail for her part in the VR, unless she somehow alluded the authorities.


I'm guessing costing also played a part in it, i know setting up VR and the advanced programs wouldn't of been easy and cheap to do but building an entire village shut off from everywhere so no one could stumble across it and to have running water, electricity and food etc would of been far more problematic then having them lay in there beds and use the VR as they did.


I picked up on your saying laying in their beds. I also thought they were in their beds, at home, which brings up the question: How are they paying their mortgage/rent?? That's actually a pretty big flaw in the film. I'm sure Jack is paying big bucks to be a part of Victory and, in addition, paying his rent?? Doesn't make sense.


I think it was explained that when all the men "go to work" they are actually waking up in there real life beds then doing a normal job to earn money in which to pay for them to stay connected to the VR simulation.


OK, but then the VR is that cheap that they can pay their rent or mortgages as well as paying VR? Jack didn't look like he was making tons of money before joining VR. He looked like a loser. It just doesn't make sense to me. I still see it as a flaw.


It was a real flea pit of an apartment tbf and maybe its like any addiction, if you need something that badly you will do or sacrifice anything for it, he could go out and rob or deal drugs just enough to get him his daily high of VR and they could start you off on small subscription so the cost of seems manageable at first then loan your hours back to you at a higher interest rate like a loanshark company perhaps, once they've got you its hard to leave and cos your loving the alternate life you don't wanna give it up anyway.


We'll never know for sure, of course, but I have to give you credit for your elaborate theory. I like it!


I assumed the housing etc. Was provided by the organisation. May not have been though so yeh who knows


The message of the movie is about these fantasy world men create to keep women in check.
How could you miss that?


Oh I don't think he did. He's just wondering why the VR instead of wiping out memories. If memories are wiped out, the women could still be subservient, not remembering how independent they once were, and they would learn all new ways.


No because that would mean they were subservient to begin with.


Wrong. With their memories wiped they became open to becoming imprinted/manipulated to be subservient. It's a fairly simple concept


That's a problematic concept.


I suppose it is, yes reality can be quite problematic
