MovieChat Forums > Fallout 3 (2008) Discussion > Where would you live and what would you ...

Where would you live and what would you do?

If you lived in the Capital wasteland, where would you choose to live and what would be your occupation? Taking things like security, resources, human contact, into account would you choose a big settlement, an abandoned shack on the outskirts of the city, a subway car in the tunnels, or something else?

I would choose Rivet City; it provides great security against all outside forces with its structure and the firepower of its residents. It is close to water (irradiated, but what are you gonna do) and is still close to the city for good scavenging opportunities. I would work as security for Rivet City (pretty cushy gig), while at the same time scavenge the city for valuables in my spare time. I would then sell what I find at my store in the marketplace. Not a bad life for an adventurer at heart who also wants some semblance of security in a very dangerous world.

"The future belongs to those who change today" - CM


As long as it was after the events of "Those" I'd have to go with Greyditch. Near DC itself, has an entrance to the underground, and is defensible with seemingly few bandit/supermutant problems. Plus it has one of my favorite traps... on my first play of Fallout 3 I did what I always did. Try to exploit sneak, snipe as much as possible, and try to isolate the ants. But you do "those" so early that it didn't work so well. The second time through (I was specializing in melee and heavy weapons) I was having a tougher time. I didn't have many heavy weapons. And melee against those ants was difficult. So after a couple of quickloads, I changed tactics. I ran through Greyditch, drawing as much anttention (heh) as possible. Then beelined for the diner on the east side. I'd made one approach a checkerboard of mines just far enough apart from one another so they wouldn't cascade. I left a larger bottlecap mine at the door on the way in and dove behind the counter, and readied some grenades. They proved unnecessary. The ant-horde charged the diner and took staggering losses going through the minefield. Only 2 made it through the initial mines, only to get powderized by the bottlecap mine at the door. Good memory.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


Sneak/snipe is my play style as well, in this game and Skyrim. If I'm in a building or tunnel I'm in crouch mode inching my way along.

I ended up doing a similar tactic against the ants in Greyditch. At that point in the game I had very weak weapons, but quite a few mines. So I put them to good use; luring ants to their death via fiery explosion.

"The future belongs to those who change today" - CM



Yeah, in my first play of Skyrim, Fallout 3, and NV it was real easy to break things by exploiting sneak. Works well in ES going all the way back to Morrowind, although it's not quite as OP back then. But in those initial plays of Fallout 3 and NV I (like you said, very early) had picked up lots and lots of mines, even earlier than I could really ramp up my sneak points. On my 2nd play (melee and heavy weapon) my thought was I always had a decent amount of heavy weaponry and ammo I wasn't using in my sniper play. And with all the small guns I'd be selling I'd have caps enough to buy anything.

I wasn't wrong, but it took longer to get there than I thought. Took quite a while to get some of the heavy weapons fully repaired (It was pretty late in the game by the time I came up with a heavy incenerator.) But I lucked out, because I managed to get a v.2 and v.3 Rock-It fairly early. And of course it's counted as a heavy weapon and has infinite ammo. It was a great "go-to" until my sneak was high enough to get into melee range. And then I found with just a few perks in the right spots getting a backstab with a sneak into melee range = nothing can touch you anymore. It's even worse than the 30x backstab exploit in Skyrim.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


Yeah, the 30x backstab is quite overpowered.

"The future belongs to those who change today" - CM


Little lamplight until i become a mungo. Then, I would go to Rivet City instead of Big Town :P


I hope you have one hell of an escort to get you there; that's a long trek! You better at least have your birthday hat!

"The future belongs to those who change today" - CM


i'd live with sierra petrovita and be a host to her black bull bbc addiction


I would appropriate one of the SATCOM arrays for my abode. I would paint them in brilliant colors and make the dishes into giant flowers. I'd repurpose some of the junk from the wasteland and make sculptures and avant garde furnishings. I'd live by hunting mostly, but one of the dishes might be turned into a greenhouse for growing vegetables & fruit. I would do yoga every morning on the highest one, and it would also be my morning breakfast room. I would have clientele from all over the wasteland who would want original sculptures and art from the demented genius living in the SATCOM array. Of course I would make regular trips into town for trading and exchange of gossip.

I would also have a lot of pet Yao Guais and if possible, I would tame a couple of radscorpions and deathclaws and train them to be my security guards. Then I would sic them on anyone stupid enough to try and steal my swag. I'd build a moat around the perimeter with radioactive waste inside so when thieves flee from the deathclaws, they get major radiation sickness. Meanwhile I'd be sitting up on one of the satellite dishes drinking scotch and laughing.
