MovieChat Forums > Fallout 3 (2008) Discussion > Ok FPS game, *beep* Fallout game

Ok FPS game, *beep* Fallout game

Seriously I don't understand the high score this has for a fallout game it's absolute garbage. Where's the strategy part instead it's a mindless action game with a tiny bit of rpg thrown in. Yet when they do the same with xcom people go mental. I guess only pre pube kids like these fps fests cause I think they suck.


A mindless fps is Call of Duty. This is not call of duty, it is nowhere near call of duty. Call of duty has a 4 hour crappy story line, this has a 26 hour story line, which isn't crappy. Also, this is The Elder Scrolls with different weapons, and a different story line. If you don't count this as a RPG I don't know what you do.


He probably means JRPG. If its combat isn't menu based it isn't an RPG according to people like him. Judging by his sentence structure and punctuation I'm guessing he's primarily familiar with Pokeman.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


If that's so, why would he even take a chance with this fallout game? Its obviously not going to be menu based.


Mostly just making fun of a fanboy. There's also some people still butthurt over the Bethesda takeover of the franchise from Interplay. I'm still not sure why. Fallout 1 and 2 were great, no question. But 3 and NV are great too, and I really don't get why some folks cling to just one and fanboy rage about the minor differences. I'm sure it's just immaturity.

There's also a number of people who don't like the mixed tone of a fps/rpg crossover. Frankly I'm not a guy who usually finds the mix very good. Usually it means quest, level, and equipment hunting tacked on to break the flow of action of what would otherwise be a good action game (think Rage or Borderlands.) And in those games the RPG elements are just shallow and unnecessary. Or, in rarer cases, its just shooting (in this case 3rd person) added to an rpg to make it more mainstream and bland (I'm looking right at Mass Effect here, I'd have been more happy with the system from KOTOR instead of all of the Gears of War style cover-based shooting tacked on.) But as far as I'm concerned Fallout 3 and NV did it right.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


You're right about CoD being mindless fps, but then CoD isn't the game everyone's ranting and raving about as being the "best game ever"...

Try playing the Mass Effect series if you haven't already and you'll know what a candidate for "best game ever" looks like.



I agree, this game's way overrated. You have games like Mass Effect with a rich, engrossing story and then this pile of junk and everyone's like "best game ever!"...

Thank you people, for showing how far we've fallen in taste.


I don't know. I really enjoyed the entire Fallout series. Mass Effect 1 was really good. Gears of Mass Effect 2 and 3 were subpar cover-shooters with great stories and token rpg elements and crafting. Gears of War or Army of Two, but written very well with some customization built in. You could sculpt the Shep's face so he could be an unlimited variety of grizzled dark-haired generic-looking dude. Oh, or random anime tough-chick. Still really good games, but for me not quite Fallout level fun.

Hard to really compare the two though, as they are completely different types of games. Like trying to compare apples to potatoes thru the filter of which tastes more like a banana; someone can kind of see the possible connection there, but the question is pretty stupid in the first place. Fallout starts in a kind of survival mode, then shifts to power fantasy. Mass Effect takes you step by step through a really good story. Which it does deliver on, but in doing so deprives the player of exploration. Which doesn't matter to some folks, but exploration and discovery is easily as important as story to me.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy
