MovieChat Forums > Fallout 3 (2008) Discussion > Performs laughably bad on the PS3

Performs laughably bad on the PS3

Don't get me wrong, I think this is one of the absolutely best games of all time, but the PS3-version leaves a lot to be desired.

Having downloaded all five DLCs, the game now runs like it's powered by technology from 2002. Constant freezes, sound-cracks and screen-tearing are just some of the bugs that Bethesda just expects players to get used to.
Let's just hope they don't *beep* up so badly with Skyrim..




I had that problem when I got the GOTY edition as well. But are you playing from a save game that you already had from the previous version? If so, try starting a new game. I did that and now it runs fine.


I bought the GOTY Edition about a year ago, but only got around to playing it the past few days (haven't had time, and I have to wait a year or so until prices drop to buy games due to limited $$$), and I have had some problems.

The game will occasionally freeze-up for a few seconds, or audio will "mute" on it's own for a moment before coming back, and unfortunatly, it seems to only happen during combat or while exploring a new area. It's happened five or six times.

And thus far, at least once a day, the whole game will freeze, and I will have to restart the system (I can't even just quit the game and reload it, the whole system freezes up), which is getting a bit annoying. It's happened three times.

Fantastic game, so I can forgive it, but it is highly irratating.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


I just got the game-- used for 7 bucks! lol

Anyways- other then freezing up once- I haven't had any problems with it. Great game!


You lucked out, I actually wrote a review for the PS3 GOTY edition, and I had to give it a 5 out of 10 because the version I'm playing is so buggy, it barely functions half the time. (I played it a lot since my last post, and my god, the bugs and glitches nearly ruined it)

It's frozen up completely at least 50 times (often 2-3 times a day), a lot of the DLC has a lot of glitches (people, things, backgrounds vanishing, audio muting or drifting, etc.), dramatic frame-rate drops, etc.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


I guess I did luck out. I've been playing the crap out if it too.

I did have a couple moments now where my character was standing on nothing above the ground-- but that doesn't last and I can still play so it didn't bother me. lol


It must be your PS3 or game. Because mine works fine and never freezes. -- Best Movies I have seen


A lot of people have had problems with Bethesda's games. I guess because they are so intricate and massive, they end up glitching a ton for a lot of people. It's not just his copy or PS3, it's pretty widely reported.

Since I last posted in September, the glitches have gotten even worse. Several characters have just vanished from the game, and the other annoying glitches (freeze-ups, frame-rate drops, etc) have become more frequent.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


I played the hell out of this game (I won't even get into how long of a record stretch I played this game without stopping) and after months and months of playing I got a glitch once, and that was me getting stuck in some rock formation. Other than that, zilch.

Just my one cent since I can't afford two.


Bethesda need to get their act together and learn make proper game for PS3 owners

Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill


It freezes up constantly. The game itself is great, but man is it buggy.
