MovieChat Forums > Collider Videos (2007) Discussion > deserved to crash and burn

deserved to crash and burn

to think their videos used to get 100s of thousands of views constantly.

now videos are averaging around 3000. I guess that's what happens when you shill for companies because you dont want to lose access.


Espeically Mark Ellis and Kristin Harloff. Those two were such hacks and it's been awesome watching their careers tank and having to jump ship.


I was thinking more Perry nemeroff and what's that latino ex military guy. I saw a video of him watching and reacting to a trailer. his face literally fell with disappointment before he noticed and he replaced it with rictus smile.

then he described the movie as "cool" and he was "interested". you could tell when that guy was legit excited. He was pretending because the trailer looked like trash and it was a big studios film.

I feel like Kristin and Mark jumped ship because they couldn't do what they wanted and speak their minds and wouldn't play ball. but ya they def did shill for Disney I just dont think they could take it anymore


That, but they also suck and are insufferable douches. Just take a look at their Twitter feeds.


im looking at Ellises.. kinda wipes away that "celebrity veneer" I was used to seeing them all professional and their YouTube movie show personalities..

on twitter im seeing him in his one bedroom apartment... wearing sweats drinking a shake alone on the couch with his dog...

im not saying its sad but kinda idk...

meh maybe they are douches but I feel like they are hard workers. they haven't had crap handed to them. they have at times stood for their principles. they may be douches about movie stuff but I mean what's ellis flexing about? his ugly dog and one bedroom apartment? just seems like a normal guy to me.. possibly lonely :S he doesnt have a wife or kids or even a gf from what I can see and hes 40...

His show and Channel he was part of went from being probably the most popular movie news Chanel to now the reformed schmoes network getting 5k views a video.... the movie trivia showdowns one of the few things I used to watch on collider would get like 200k views... the most recent one on their channel got 15k....image going from such a tight team and so high to now shadows of themselves


I know Kristn has a famiy and kids. Mark is a lonely failed stand up comic.
