I'm watching it now

I have enjoyed many of the BBC's period series over the past few years, and this one seems like a nice one as well. That was sad the elderly sister could not pay the telegram fee regarding her sick brother who later died. I agree with Laura, despite that, she should have been informed. The regulations were cruel. I like that Laura speaks her mind. The kids putting a mustache on their beer loving mom was funny.


Brilliant series.. I hope Olivia hallinan gets more roles in future.. I read she isn't getting more roles because she has a childish face.


She's actually the character I like the least. She's only capable of two expressions one is an over joyness that comes off fake and the other is a major b face that looks like she's going to fly into rage. She doesn't have a stillness about her.


I just discovered this gem. I finished it way to fast lol. I wish there was more episodes but like how it ended.

Couldn't figure out what happened to Nan.

Why J.D. not only left his son, but never returned.

Why Robert wasn't in season 4. I could only assume it was bc of Dowton Abbey.


Yea Nan just up and disappeared.

Robert did leave because of Dowton Abbey
