Do you really blame her?

What kind of parent creates a new life of a child solely for the purpose just to save another and use their body parts like some sort of farm grown animal? It's not right to create and use a human life just to save the other. She had every right to sue her parents to stop them from using her against her will. Had the first girl never gotten sick, the other girl would not ever had been born. How cruel it is to bring someone new to the world to harvest their body parts just to save another.

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


I'm only 20 minutes into the movie, including commercials, and I think the mother is INSANE. Having a donor child is SICK in the first place, but to drag out the suffering of both the healthy child....physically and psychologically....and the sick child, is nothing short of cruel and unusual punishment.


I don't remember if it was explained in the movie, but it was supposed to be a one time donation of Anna's (umbilical) cord blood, which is anyways discarded after birth. That put Kate into remission for a while and when she fell ill again, the doctor would only do the procedure if the donations came from Anna, bc if the genetical closeness of the sisters.


That makes it even worse in my opinion. It's like you had a third kid, brought another person into the world, just to get something right after they were born?


Yeah, but isn't this what happens, once Anna's born and they get the cord blood, Sarah goes down to be with Kate during the the blood transfusion, instead of staying with her newborn daughter? I don't even remember Sarah seeing Anna at all once she's born.


I hoped that she'd die , but in the end , she lived. What a stupid mother . Jeez


the dad in the movie actually says in one of his narrations that he thinks that maybe they are being punished for playing god


If you think it's bad in the movie, read the book and read Sarah's pov during her pregnancy with Anna or even when Anna's born. If I remember correctly, once Anna's born and they take her cord blood, Sarah goes down to be with Kate during the blood transfusion, instead of staying with her newborn daughter.


This is actually a well known phenomenon- it happens in RL.
Not saying the parents don't love the child they have to make the other child better- but they specifically have that child for that reason.
Difficult ethical dilemma.
How would you ever make that decision tho? Knowing you could keep both kids alive?? I don't know but the mum in this does not come across well as she just doesn't listen.


It is downright sickening for a person to do this to another. Honestly the parents should be put in jail for this, especially the mother. They were HURTING a healthy child to fix the sick one.

I'm not sure why Kate didn't sue for emancipation instead since it was her choice instead of putting her sister in that position and having her parents hate her for not blindly obeying them.

"It's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you aren't."


it's the new slavery in modern times, actually what they did isn't as evil as killing one million child in america every year by abortion, only a slave owner had the right to kill his slave, and abortion is nothing but slavery and totally legal.
