MovieChat Forums > Eddie the Eagle (2016) Discussion > Heartwarming story but VERY formulaic

Heartwarming story but VERY formulaic

Ok, so I really enjoyed the story and remember Eddie the Eagle from 1988 - however, I don't understand why they did what they did.
The movie invented so much material that was untrue - but they didn't change the story to make it more unique or interesting, they changed it to make it more formulaic and cliché.
I don't understand. Is there some rule in underdog sporting stories that there must be an officious official with a stick up his backside, a washed-up coach with something to prove, and the other competitors making fun and pulling pranks to make you look even more stupid (to mention just a few)?

reply aren't kidding! Every scene, every character was lifted straight from Cool Runnings.,,,and every other against all odds stories.

And you nailed it....they didn't change it to be more interesting...but to be more formulaic.

Like someone else said, just show us what really happened. Of the truth really isn't that interesting---maybe it isn't worthy of a movie!??!!!!

Listen, I liked the movie...but more as a piece of fiction.


Yeah, it was essentially very lazy at times but I came away loving it anyway. I guess it's about making Eddie out to be more of an underdog than he was. After all he had competed quite well in his chosen downhill discipline as part of the British team, but in the end didn't make the cut. I would have thought that trying out for the Jump on a whim would be underdog enough to not need such an embellishment as having everyone against him but it is what it is. It was cheesy and formulaic like you said, but it somehow worked a lot better than other films that went down that route.

In the master bedroom. Under the bed. In a floor safe. Understand?


Exactly my thoughts. It's such great subject matter and a fantastic, compelling story, yet they've trotted out every trope and cliche in the book (including a bloody training montage) and turned what should have been one of the years best "feel good" movies into a cringe fest super turd. Very disappointing.


You don't want a training montage? That genuinely sickens me.

Ha-ha! I threw that *beep* before I walked in the room!


We enjoyed it.

But, after looking into the real story---wow...the truth would have been better if done right.


Edwards himself has said that the script was almost entirely fictional. So it had to be invented because Eddie had led an unremarkable life up to that point. So in the end it became just another formula underdog sporting story, though this underdog never achieved anything of note. I just don't see the point of making a biopic of a "sportsman" then fictionalising it.


Why is being a feel good sports movie a bad thing? Not every movie has to reinvent the wheel


Totally agree. When they had the ring stains from the cups make the Olympic rings on the table cloth early on I was inwardly groaning. Still I loved this movie. It was cheesey and if you were lactose intolerant it would put you in the hospital but if your in the mood for a feel-good movie - it's great :)


I enjoyed the film when I saw it, but was rather disappointed subsequently to find out how much had been changed from the reality. It made me like it less.
