MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > The ONLY way forward is a prequel.

The ONLY way forward is a prequel.

Matrix Resurrections buggered up so much of what was loved in the original matrix turning it into a farce. The whole drama in the original was that it was a matter of human survival not a rescue of Trinity.

The red pill was designed as a way for the person to escape and be tracked and homed from within the matrix.

Reloaded went downhill when Agent Smith returned for some unknown reason that did not matter. The original matrix really had endless potential to carry on, if it used the original remaining cast of Tank the operator that was loved. Reloaded brought in a new cast that no one knew or cared, the actors were not good.

Revolutions had to bring an end to a trilogy, with death and an agreement with the machines that stupidly had a face.

Then Resurrections failed again and brought back dead characters then was bogged down with the new Agent Smith being on Neo side against the machines, which no one cares about. Resurrections has no follow on interest.

Only prequels hold any merit. People want to know how the very first person escaped the matrix, when and how did was that possible. The plot has so much potential in figuring out the trickery used the keep people brain washed into their system. This can show how the public are easily duped so easily which reflects the way governments and control system throw out ideas in the press for the masses to get duped. The first prequel could end with discovering Morpheus, who was loved. A sequel to the prequel could then spawn the Oracle, which Resurrections abandoned. The Oracle could be brought in with a profound intelligence formed both within human belief and machines. Cypher, could be creepy, gullible dragging the rest into hedonism.

The point of the original Matrix was the real world agenda of control systems, how it is overcome. The original matrix had stages shown here:
