MovieChat Forums > The Prince (2014) Discussion > Reviewers struggling to understand films...

Reviewers struggling to understand films give fodder to review minions

I came to IMDB to check the score and the onslaught for this was crazy with a 4.5 score which left me bewildered.

Now this is a simple film. It's a bit of a vengeance film with some revenge element and a few plots flowing around with the drug war in the background too. It's difficult to find any fault with a film that is so simple and straight forward. It's not difficult to expect too much from this.

Although, never underestimate the modern day need to find something to blame and insult and abuse I guess.

I loved this film. Not the best film, alright, I get that but I won't let anybody use that as an excuse or an apology. This film is a decent film with a decent story and it's only 90 minutes long.

Let me explain what happens in this film for those struggling ok.


There is a guy (Patric) who returns back to New Orleans to find his daughter who is under control of one of the major drug dealers there. As a twist, this is what Patric left and he also left some unfinished business as well. So all these things that are going on.


So why people struggle with this is beyond me. There appears to be far too many poking around to sound intellectual by saying "oh no, the script" and "oh no, the screenwriting".

How sad the lives are for so many people out there.

It's a really nice film. If you want something to moan about, waste your mental energy on human rights abuses around the world. Laughable that people get worked up on a film like this.


Are you part of the people tthat made this film? Because is a really bad film
It reminded me of the 30,000 dollar films that are made in TJ every other week.


I seem to be in the minority with the OP, who gave a well put critique of those who somehow find fault in this flick.

It is what it is. Sure it's a Taken ripoff, so what. Yes, your greatest heros do not get the screen time you might expect, too bad. I really don't know or have high expectations of our lead character, Patric, who IMHO made a convincing quasi-protagonist. Bullets and bad guys can't touch Patric, yep! Whining little girl, ok but you critics really sounded a lot like her.

Straight up the story was direct and to the point. Certainty not boring. Perhaps not something to take your average mother or wife to see, but maybe your daughters? /Sarc

Today's generation stupidly have no fear, get themselves wrapped up with the wrong crowd, and always run home when they can't deal with a pin prick.

I think this movie is spot on what the world looks like today. If you can't take it, just pass through, and you'll survive. 8 of 10 on my book.



While I agree that some people tend to find fault in anything these days, this movie was rather lacking in some regards. Not the "worst movie of the year", but below what I was expecting, given the cast.

I'll give you an example: hyper development of the storyline. Toward the beginning, we see one scene of a man with his daughter, and the next we see him unable to connect with her because someone else had her phone. Little transpired in the way of emotional response on his part that would make the situation relatable to viewers. Instead, we see him taking a trip to the college to find her. To me, the lack of context and expected response on the part of the character made it feel too rushed. Surely, some of the other scenes could have been edited out in favor of more foundational material which would support an emotional investment in the story.

Another example was simple cheesiness. Take the scene of Bruce Willis punishing the boxer by the pool. Did they really need to have him get shot and fall into the pool - something so utterly cliche? When cliches are so blatant like that, movies cause themselves to lose respect.

Now, overall I thought the movie was mildly entertaining, but not as good as I expected given the cast.

~After enjoying that movie, I figured I would drop by IMDB to read about its problems.
