MovieChat Forums > The Prince (2014) Discussion > Why is the title 'The Prince'?

Why is the title 'The Prince'?

Who is "The Prince" referred to in the title? I didn't get the reference after watching it. Not paying attention out of disappointment.


About 54 minutes in the movie Cusack's character is describing the main character to the girl thats helping find the daughter. He told a story of how the Romans built Hadrians wall (sp?) to keep out a bad ass Scottish tribe. He said the Romans gave up trying to pacify this tribe because it just wasn't worth the hassle. Their leader was known as "The Prince". The main character used to hold part of the town as his territory in much the same way as the Prince. No one crossed a particular street in to his territory because he would kill them all.

Yah... its a LONG ass way to go to tie in the title somehow. Would have been a whole lot easier to just call it Vengeance or Deja Vu kills you Too!


I noticed that the first line in the closing credits said "Special thanks to Prince Woohoo#$?" or something like that.

I began to wonder if this whole POS wasn't funded by some saudi prince or something and the whole title was a big ole butt kiss to him.

That would explain a lot about how something so bad got made in the first place.


I loved that he got the whole Hadrian's wall story in there and said it was in Scotland!!! (it's not) It WAS built to keep the Scottish tribes out of 'Roman Britain' but there was not ONE tribe and there was no particular 'prince' and FYI for any aspiring writers of terrible, tenuously plotted straight to video classics out there, Hadrian's wall is in northern England the ANTONINE wall (not an actual wall - more like earthworks) was in Scotland.
