MovieChat Forums > The Prince (2014) Discussion > Dumb as doorknobs IMDbers

Dumb as doorknobs IMDbers

4.5 - are you kidding me? This film is a solid 6 in comparison here and probably a 6.3.

Just because Brucie was the bad guy and not the lead, can you seriously not get by that?

Patric wasn't at all bad in the lead and the film was pretty stylish. My only real fault with it was the stupid wailing and droning background noise filmmakers now seem unable to make movies without over low dialogue.


I haven't seen the film, so I cannot comment on the quality.

I'm just here researching, deciding whether to watch this movie on Netflix.

But to address your point, yes some IMDb users really are dumb and doorknobs. It's usually the "fanboy" crowd aged 17-25.



I disagree. It was terrible. Sorry, the world doesn't always think the way you do.

Could this have been any more typical? This formula is so overused it borders on sad. I had a hard time sitting through it. Kept hoping for a twist or a surprise. In the end, my surprise was that I actually sat through it.
