MovieChat Forums > The Prince (2014) Discussion > Seen it yesterday, truly awful

Seen it yesterday, truly awful

One of the worst movies I've seen all year. Yes, it's very similar to taken. No, it's not nearly as good. Why Cusack and Willis agreed to take part in this fiasco of a movie is beyond me. The script is beyond horrible, the plot is awful and the acting... oh god the acting. It physically hurt to watch. I bet the director played a big part in this.

I saw it as a sneak preview, but I should've walked out. The only _slightly_ redeeming parts were some close-up combat scenes. The woman in the lead (Jessica Lowndes I think) is very annoying. The pace of the movie is too slow. The bad guy too cliché, the good guy not likable.

Save your money, but also don't waste your time watching it for free like I did.


It's at 8.4. Someone liked it n


I'm almost put off by 50 Cent being in it, time to flip a coin.


Newsflash. Taken sucked too if you want to be perfectly even and fair about hating on this one. All these films where fathers work impossible jobs and can bend time, space, the laws of physics, and never run out of bullets or moves then they can all be classified as "truly awful", oh, except I KNOW NOT TO TAKE MOVIES LIKE THIS SERIOUSLY but apparently you don't. Did you really believe that someone would be dumb enough to take another of Liam Neeson's family again after Taken 1? Well you were wrong, because Taken 2: The Dumbest Idea In The History of History. This film was WAY FKNG BETTER than Taken 2.


Taken 2 was awful as well. That doesn't redeem this movie one bit though. You're talking about flying bullets and laws of physics - which I would definitely be fine with if the acting, plot and script were at least decent. Too bad that was not the case. That's not a matter of taking a movie like this too seriously (which btw it did seem to take itself rather seriously), that's just a matter of knowing when you're watching something awful. Come on, this movie just kept dragging on and on with painful, pointless scenes, while at least Taken 2 (while a silly rehash) had better pacing and better acting.

Gave it a 4/10 and I do feel that's an honest rating.


Lowndes was so annoying I had to turn it off at the 40 minute mark.

I just couldn't take it anymore.


I have to agree! I'm 50 minutes in and she is so damn annoying! Ugh!


Exactly. Couldn't stand her either.


Sadly the awful movie poster has more plot than this turd. You can tell by the cast its going to suck, as its three guys who play the same guy in every movie.




Couldn't agree with you more.

Just watched it -- what a disappointment!

I can't believe that Patric, Willis, & Cusack signed on to this.

The acting was so subpar -- I felt like I was watching stand-ins for all three instead of the real deal. How all three of these otherwise fine actors could all be so bad (and look bad) simultaneously -- just wow.

When Willis was holding Beth at gunpoint, he looked like a fish gasping for air. And what was his character thinking? He went to all the trouble to capture her and get her at his place and then the plan is to...walk around fairly aimlessly with her and continue to threaten to shoot her while dodging her Dad?

Cusack was basically superfluous and wasted in this -- all I could think was 'paycheck movie'.

The cinematography was awful; the film stock looked cheap, and what was it with all that yellowish & weird coloration?

I saw at least 3 different scenes (for example, the scene where the guy gets shot at the pool by Willis' sidekick) that were SO obviously set up. Guy will get shot and fall backward into the pool that he is conveniently placed in front of. In fact, they showed the same framed set-up for that shot at least twice -- how predictable, lazy, and was the editor asleep or something? Amateurish.

The music s*cked and at times nearly drowned out the dialogue, combined with mumbled delivery of some lines, to the point that I almost put captions on so I knew what they were saying -- but didn't miss much as the writing fairly s*cked, too. Backstory of the characters is rushed and half-as*ed, like so much filler.

Beth's friend does just one little snoot in the club bathroom, which immediately turns her into a totally spaced out, drugged up vixen -- must have been some really ultra powerful powder (smh). So unrealistic.

Patric as the big bad 'Prince' -- he basically was able to shoot, shoot, shoot as if the bad guys were some cutouts just waiting to be shot. Except for the hand-to-hand fight at the end, and again a telegraphed scene. The bad guy is strategically placed in front of the railing in such an obvious manner that I said -- well he will shoot him and he will fall backward, over the railing. Yawn.

Other than other characters telling us how big and bad 'the Prince' was supposed to be (like some kind of Keyser Söze), I really didn't see anything that warranted that reputation.

~~ Never trust the teller, trust the tale ~ ~ D.H. Lawrence


Yeah its really bad.
