MovieChat Forums > The Prince (2014) Discussion > What did I just put myself through?

What did I just put myself through?

Good god, never in my life have I seen such wet diarrhea. This whole film stinks of sh*t, from the downright silly story to the extremely poor acting skills, this whole film is terrible.

The whole film we don't see one officer of the law yet there's a lot of shots fired, people being attacked and drug dealers. This has got to be one of the most stupidest films I've ever seen.

And then to top it off at the end that silly cow doesn't get topped. I don't usually like giving spoilers away, but this film is beyond dog crap, it's more like cow crap.

The director needs to be put down, the producers need to be put down and some of the actors do.

Bruce Willis does another stunning job of living up to his title of the worst actor, silly bald headed, stinky, fat old man.


That's not a title he has.

Check out my website, please:


He's the absolute worst actor, ever. Period!

He needs to cross a railway track while a train is coming towards him.


Haven't you seen Invincible? Trains can't stop Bruce Willis.


I've seen Unbreakable. And even Unstoppable with Denzel . Not Invincible though.




Do you mean Unbreakable? You silly, confused boy. You need to stop tossing salad with you male friends, it's messing with your mind.

I have seen the film Unbreakable. Once again the acting from Bruce Willis is outstandingly poor. The story was absurdly dumb, it's aimed at people with small minds and small cocks, just like yourself.


Well I'm not the one who got the film name wrong am I you stupid twat. The post above me was . Don't you look kinda silly now .


Of course Bruce Willis isn't a great actor... Still, I don't have anything in particular against him as such (as you clearly have), he's been quite a good match for several roles in the easy entertainment category through the years.

That being said: Your assessment of this movie is spot on. I've somehow managed to cringe myself through 40 minutes at this point, and I think you left out the main culprit from your death list:

The writer.

By far the worst aspect of this is the hideous dialogue, it's as if it was written by a 12-year old during the 80s. I expect this kind of drivel from a Van Damme/Jason Statham/Steven Seagal movie. Even though John Cusack and Bruce Willis (and certainly Jason Patric) seem to be long fallen stars, I really can't believe they're all in this without visibly blushing. A paycheck job if ever I saw one.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


40 minutes in I had to turn it off. It was just too stupid and that terrible actress riding around with Jason Patric finally did me in.


I managed to get through the whole dire film, you turned off at a good point, it gets much worse, very quickly.

The absurdity level was climbing to it's peak when you turned it off, I wish I'd turned it off at that point.

It's a shame really as I think John Cusack is a half decent actor and Jason Patric isn't too bad of an actor either.



"Even though John Cusack and Bruce Willis (and certainly Jason Patric) seem to be long fallen stars, I really can't believe they're all in this without visibly blushing. A paycheck job if ever I saw one."

I don't know about them being 'long fallen stars' -- I usually enjoy films by all three, old or new.

But totally agree with the rest.

It's one thing to see one otherwise good actor in a stinker of a movie, but all three at the same time?


~~ Never trust the teller, trust the tale ~ ~ D.H. Lawrence



I don't know about them being 'long fallen stars' -- I usually enjoy films by all three, old or new.

Honestly I mostly like all three myself, and I agree that they still occasionally appear in good movies. But they really do make some pretty unsuccessful ones these days; when I said "long fallen" I was mostly referring to their popularity and box-office status. Willis and Cusack haven't been in nearly as many big hits (with the audience or the critics) the last couple of years as they used to in their prime.

I just doubt you'd see any of them doing an off-radar crappy C-movie like this a few years ago. Indies sure, but not this sort of Seagal-rubbish.

About all three appearing in one crap-fest:
I have no actual info to base this on, but this was so badly, so childishly written; so clumsily executed on so many levels that I got the feeling the whole project was funded by someone way outside of the usual Hollywood machinery. Before I had to turn it off halfway through, I actually imagined some sort of foreign multi-millionaire paying for his own (or his son's) homemade script to be realized. "Hm, always liked that Willis fellow and that Cusack guy -- I bet they'll do an afternoon for a couple of million each."

Wouldn't be surprised if that's the way it happened.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.


Can someone name 1 successful movie Jason Petric has been in? Because I am not seeing any on his imdb page....

I can never tell when I am reading someones signature.


"Sleepers" was a box office hit, and got mostly good reviews.

"The Lost Boys" is certainly considered a (cult) classic, with good reviews and very high earnings compared to its small budget.

...but yeah, I get your point -- he's most certainly not box office gold. :D

He's received a lot of praise from critics though, and I think he's been pretty good at times. Never seen him in this kind of C-movie rubbish.

IMDb-boards would be less confusing if people would mark their signatures clearly.



"...I actually imagined some sort of foreign multi-millionaire paying for his own (or his son's) homemade script to be realized. "Hm, always liked that Willis fellow and that Cusack guy -- I bet they'll do an afternoon for a couple of million each."

Wouldn't be surprised if that's the way it happened."


~~ He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. ~~ Buddha


I just watched this for the first time tonight, and first impressions- the cast is great. That's about it. It wasn't necessarily a bad movie, it just seemed like they went through the motions and phoned it in. They tried so hard to do another "Taken" film that they forgot about what made Taken great in the first place- its charm.

Everything in the Prince was resolved way too easily, and it seemed like they put more thought into the Asian dude's fight scenes instead of the standoff between its two main characters.

And another thing- did Jessica ever get her five hundred bucks? I mean, if someone drags me across state lines and I find out that he's involved in some crazy *beep* that's one loose end that best be getting tied up.
