Peter #1, Peter #2, Peter #3

Andrew had the best 1st Spider-Man movie, Tobey had the best 2nd one and Tom has the best 3rd movie.


I think one of the reasons that I thought No Way Home was just sort of OK, is that I was never a fan of the original trilogy. The first Spider-man movie does not hold up at all. Spider-man 2 is clearly the best, but even that has it's cheesy moments and clunky writing. Both Amazing Spider-man movies had some good individual scenes, but were cheesy as hell.

my Ranking is probably:

1. Far from Home
2. Homecoming
3. No way Home.
4. Spider-man 2
5. The Amazing Spider-man
6. Spider-man 1
7. The Amazing Spiderman 2
8. Spider-man 3


The first 2 Spider-Man movies are leaps and bounds ahead of all the other movies.


That's nostalgia speaking. They don't hold up.


It’s nostalgic, sure. But I think the running themes are strong throughout. The storyline focuses on Peter realizing the weight of responsibility, and the movies have a weight to them.


It always amazes me when people attribute opinions they don't agree with regarding non-current movies with nostalgia. Its a symptom of the common pretentious attitude that no intelligent person could possibly disagree with me. If they do there must be something interfering with that person's clear thinking.

Do not assume that I agree or disagree with anyone's ratings here.


I disagree. I like the first one best, and Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin is my favorite Marvel villain. Another thing I like about the first movie is that it's just a simple fight between a hero and villain, rather than a save the entire world scenario which has burned me out over the years. Sometimes the stakes are too high.


Yeah no kidding. All of this multiverse stuff is corny.


Yes, although I actually do want to see this one for Willem Dafoe (and Molina).


Yeah both of them are good. And Garfield and Maguire are good.




I'm of a similar mind. I have them ranked a little differently, but in general agree with how you rank the three series against each other.

1. Homecoming
2. No Way Home
3. Far From Home
4. Spider-Man 2
5. Spider-Man
6. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
7. The Amazing Spider-Man
8. Spider-Man 3


I really didn't like The Amazing Spider-Man at all. Only Spider-Man 3's legendary terribleness keeps it out of last place in my ranking of the eight Spider-Man films. You really prefer it to Homecoming or Spider-Man? I'm curious to hear your reasoning.


1. Spider-Man (2002)
2. Spider-Man 2 (2004)
3. and the rest, none of the Spider-Man films after the 2004 are that good

I did like Holland in a small but memorable part of Civil War but as the main character in his own films not so much, Garfield was decent but also boring and forgettable, Emma Stone was good as Gwen she deserved better, Zendaya is the worst as MJ, Kirsten Dunst the best as MJ, the best villain is Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin no question, the Into the Spider-Verse starts out great and looks fantastic but what a MESS it quickly became and because of that I would rank this at the very bottom of the Spider-Man films

Overall not a great franchise.




I can't comment on this movie yet but everything else is spot on.


I agree !


#1 for me all the way.

#2 Garfield too emo.

#3 current Spidey is too tech.
