Terribly boring...

...I fell asleep for awhile. I thought the second was bad, but this was the worst movie I've seen in 2 years. They should have kept with the good writing from Homecoming. I liked that one.


Yeah I agree, Homecoming is still my favorite of this iteration. It was poorly executed and the story was kinda lame. Obviously I enjoyed seeing all the villains return and the 3 spidermen but its not a great film. I gave it 7/10 mostly because it did break some new ground and nostalgia.


Homecoming was so good. I don't know why they changed the whole tone of the series. I was so excited to see the second one after Homecoming and was so disappointed. I expected Far From Home to be more of the same from the second movie and it was even worse than I expected. I really loved the first series of movies and even thought the Garfield films were better than what we got with these last two Holland films. I just don't know why this movie was such a sensation. I was bored. The Batman is so much better.


Because they brought Maguire and Garfield back.


Yes. I couldn't believe the hype the movie got.


Good writing? Homecoming was freaking horrendous and ruined all the goodwill his character had in Civil War.

I find it hilarious how you were bored with this one but not Homecoming (which is the most lifelss Spider-Man film of the entire franchise).


Naah, Michael Keaton's Vulture is way too good for it to be the most lifeless Spider-Man film.


Dafoe in No Way Home was 10x better than Keaton in Homecoming. Vulture doesn't even have a stand out action scene in that film. He's literally the only main villain in the entire franchise to not have one. That is how much of a bore Homecoming is. Don't even get me started on how they ruined Shocker.


Hey, Shocker is literally my favorite comic book villain, so obviously I was disappointed by his portrayal in the film. But the film as a whole is superior to Spider-Man 3 and both of the Andrew Garfield films. Dafoe is great in No Way Home, but I've already seen that guy. I'd much rather Tom Holland's third outing had given us ONE villain and a villain that we haven't seen before. Kraven the Hunter would have fit the bill.


Thats what Sony were going to do after the deal with Marvel fell through but fans wanted him back in the MCU. TBH considering how much I disliked the first two. I wouldn't have even bothered with the third one had they went that route.


Wrong. Homecoming was the only Tom Holland Spiderman that matters. The next two are God awful.


Absolutely not, Homecoming and Far From Home made him regress as a character. No Way Home fixed a majority of the problems I had with how he was written in those movies post-Civil War.


You aren't convincing me otherwise. Have a fine day.


You aren’t convincing me of Homecoming and it’s “good writing” either lmao


Look, Homecoming wasn’t that great……but it was still 100 times better than the two crappy movies that followed it.

No Way Home is a complete mess of a film, the first 20 minutes are edited so badly that it’s unclear if 3 hours have passed by , or 3 weeks, or 3 months…..not even the director seems to know.

Tom Holland as Peter Parker was always an idiot, but him interrupting a spell that should never even happened in the first place is where this character truly hits rock bottom, they even make Dr Strange look like an idiot.

The entire plot of the film is literally 2 1/2 hours of trying to clean up the mistakes made in the opening 20 minutes. There is no looking past this, throw as much nostalgia and member berries as you want, it doesn’t fix the terrible screenplay or story structure one bit.


Obviously some time had passed when he received those rejection letters. The spell was his last resort because his situation wasn't getting any better.

You talk about the movie's plot being about fixing the mistakes of the first 20 Minutes of the movie (yeah because most movies don't do that smh). The movie was also fixing everything they screwed up in HC and FFH


Far From Home is literally my favorite Marvel movie. It's a great, true-to-the-comic Mysterio story.
