MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > Forget Mongolian bears, you got a pregna...

Forget Mongolian bears, you got a pregnant wife back home.

Just saying. Ty was being an idiot.


With this it's very clear he prioritises saving animals over being with his pregnant wife. If he makes back alive is another mystery.


I agree, Ty is being a fool...


The writing this seasons has been absolutely awful. Case in point...They came up with this outlandish Mongolian thing and wrote Ty completely out of character. Based on all the previous seasons, especially season 9 when Ty was offered the partnership with Scott and he was reluctant to accept it because he didn't want to screw up anything with Amy, sending him off to Mongolia with a pregnant wife at home was not like him at all. If the writing continues to be this poor then this may be a sign indicating the final season....if not for the series then most probably for a character or two or three....


This week's episode was pretty good even with the Ty saving gummybears and all but rewatching? Well, that's entirely a different story.


it's a shame they won't seize this opportunity provided by this idiotic plot to kill him off.

I don't even want to know what mess they'll try to sell in s11 (if it exists) to excuse why the character will be never be around.


I've said for a few seasons now that they needed to kill him off. Especially with Amy having a baby, it could lead to a couple more seasons worth of stories, with her moving on without Ty and now having the baby.

The show revolves around Amy, not Amy and Ty. It was a golden opportunity to do something interesting.


I just hope once the baby is born Ty won't turn into Peter...


agree, the Mongolian plot is ridiculous and money not well spent. It feels very fake.
And they are all idiots for how they are submissive to a pregnant women who should know better but despite doing very stupid things, is still pregnant. This season is terrible and Peter is a snowflake while Lou is a total hypocrite batch.



Peter isn't a 'snowflake' he just has self control, something most adults possess. If he wanted to he could rip Mitch and anyone else a new one anytime he pleased.

LOL I highly doubt that


What's with the man cave mentality here? lol. It doesn't have to resource to violence to know they're strong and mature.


The Mongolian story line was written due to the fact Graham Wardle made a trip to Mongolia on his own. Since it coincided with the filming dates, and since it was a desire of his to go there, the writers chose to incorporate it into Season 10.

Some of the footage seen in Season 10 is stuff Wardle himself took (with the aid of a companion) when he was over there.

The rest of "Mongolia" was shot in Drumheller (Alberta, Canada--not too far away from the other regular shooting locations for the series). These would be the scenes of Ty and Bob and the "Gobi bear" cub, etc. So it's not like they sent a whole film crew over to Mongolia to shoot those particular scenes; that truly would have been extremely expensive and a poor use of the show's budget.

In my mind, it was either Ty be completely absent for a great deal of Season 10 (we will not get into the actor's reasons for not being able to be there as this is his private business and I refuse to speculate) or they go with the "Veterinarians Without Borders" plot and make use of Wardle's trip in as creative a way as possible so Ty actually is a part of story line and gets to be seen.

Many other characters vanish without a trace and nary a mention, if any, so I must say I'm pleased we really do get to see Ty, even if he's been away from Heartland ranch. The same could not be said about someone like Lisa, who despite being married to Jack still has very limited screen time and isn't even talked about when away.

Certa Bonum Certamen



as lame as the whole Mongolia storyline is...but I have to admit it makes sense for them to integrate the actor's trip to Mongolia into the show...because how else were they able to explain the actor's time of absences on the show? The actor was probably missing for some significant amount of time on set due to his trip to how were the writers suppose to work their way around that? I mean, before this whole Ty deciding to go to Mongolia storyline, Ty was always there with Amy in Heartland, he was a permanent fixture on Heartland and on the it wouldn't make any sense for him to be missing in some episodes without any explanation as to why he wasn't there, especially since Amy is pregnant. So the producers and writers probably thought since the actor himself went to Mongolia for a while, it's more convenient for them to just integrate his trip to Mongolia into the show too...and it would also explain why Ty is absent from Heartland for a while.

So I don't think it's necessarily that the actor holds a lot of weight and influence on the show...I think maybe it's just more of convenience that they decided to write this storyline into the show.


he believes in what he's doing...

and aren't soldiers and doctors that go elsewhere, kind of the same thing....

they leave their loved ones



and aren't soldiers and doctors that go elsewhere, kind of the same thing....

not when their wives are pregnant...look, there is nothing wrong with Ty wanting to help the animals and fight for what he believes in, but the timing is just wrong, when he has a pregnant wife, he should prioritize her first over animals. And who knows how long Ty is gonna be away's possible he could even miss the baby's birth...him being away during a time when his pregnant wife needs his support just makes him seem like an irresponsible husband.


yeah i can see your point......


i didn't get to see the show tonight like i thought i would, just the last 10 or so minutes...was at a movie, and got home then



"" what?

