MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > That must have been painful for Peter to...

That must have been painful for Peter to hear from his own daughter

Katie favours Mitch over Peter -- her own father (he's no deadbeat father like many) but it's also needed to take into account it's a mere child so she's only being honest (nothing wrong with that).

Peter should have never got himself involved with a nutcase like Lou. He's just too good for her and they don't appreciate him.

The heart wants what the heart wants.



Oops. Didn't mention her by name, I was talking about Katie.


oh come on, Peter is no saint either...he prioritizes his career and ego over his own family, he refuses to get a job closer to home because he cared too much about his own pride than being closer to his own family. He might not be a deadbeat dad per se but he sure is a very absentee father who goes away for work for months and months at a time and barely spends any time with his kids at Heartland. Of course Katie would become more attached to Mitch since he is always there all the time.

Now I'm not defending Lou, I think Lou is horrible too...but my point is that Peter is no saint either, he has his own flaws.


As Lou's away, she tried to demand for Peter to stay home which is the very thing she bashes him for. Both of them are very flawed parents and shouldn't have married or have children.



you actually think they are "good" parents? 2 parents who are so absent from their children's lives and prioritizes their own careers over taking care of their own children constitutes as "good" parenting to you? Jeez I sure hope you don't have any kids...

Both Peter and Lou are so irresponsible, they may love their kids but it takes more than just loving your children to be a good a parent you need to take responsibility of your children and actually take care of them and raise them. Both Peter and Lou are workaholics, they are too preoccupied with their own careers and traveling and just hand their children down to Lou's family to take care of...they may love their kids, but it's really mainly Jack and Lisa who are actually taking care of Georgie & Katie at Heartland, while both Lou and Peter are too busy with their careers and traveling.



LOu had an affair?

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"



more like Mitch would kick Peter's ass, sorry but my bet is on the former soldier winning the fight.

