MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > Really idiotic of Ty (Season 10)

Really idiotic of Ty (Season 10)

I get that he wants to protect and save the gobi bears but leaving Amy pregnant was a huge mistake. Tim and Jack were right.

Btw, anyone known for how many episodes he'll be off? Maybe we'll get Caleb back next week.


Yea but but he had Amy support so in that sense i agree with the decision


He should've known better not to go as he'd leave his wife unprotected and in a fragile state. Plus, Ty might miss the birth of his kids and that's something no good father should take for granted.

Well, who knows maybe this trip to Mongolia perhaps means the actor needs some time off from the show. I dunno. Hope not too much because he's vital.



Ty's lucky if they don't ship him back in a coffin. Many people in the real world want to be superheroes and do stuff like he's going to and more, but they just don't as they know they'd probably die or end up crippled.

I remember several years ago I read a book about a soldier who returned from war and he lost half of his face and his nose too. It was pretty depressing to read that.

what kind of idiot goes to a second world country to fight dangerous thrill poachers

If Amy hadn't seen that image on the computer and Georgie told her, he wouldn't have gone as it was thanks to Amy's motivation.

it's a shame they won't seize this moment to kill him off due to his own stupidity and Amy's foolish guilt/naivety enabling it.

That or/and she loses the baby (or damages one of them).


Hopefully while he's away she loses the baby.


That's certainly a possibility even moreso with that preview they showed.


i think this issue with ty is not a big of a issue as some people have made it out to be amy and ty made this decision together so for me if they made it together then i agree with the decision it would have been different if she has said no and he went anyways


I feel like this is a way to kill him off honestly. He and Bob could get captured and killed by poachers in Mongolia.






If that's what Graham Wardie (Ty) really wants, then they should give him a proper farewell than making him to be a shîtty father and leaving Amy with two newborns. Not a good sign for the future of Heartland and its original cast.

The show already lost some original characters; Mallory, Jake, Stephen, Soraya and Val (she still shows up). It boggles my mind Mallory wasn't at Ty's & Amy's wedding but Soraya was, was Jessica Amlee (Mallory) really that busy that she couldn't be on-screen for a few minutes?



In this week's episode they did exactly this to include Ty on the episode. *sigh* It's just not the same and sort of felt like one of the least decent episodes the series has had.

I remember a user here saying that the series could last for 10 more years but no, with the lack of Ty that won't happen because he is an important piece of the series to function properly. He's been there since the beginning.



The show has always been about the characters, not the plot. Much of the original supporting cast is gone, and the new townsfolk are not in the show enough to get the audience to bond with them. For example, Jade and Clay are interested in each other, but we barely see either of them on screen enough, let alone together, to feel like we're rooting for them.


Jade was also involved with Jeff but I guess that's just past now.


From what I've gathered, we won't be seeing Caleb until about episode 12 and other than skypeing Ty won't be back until late in the season.

Writing has been bad over the years but this season it's been horrible so far. I guess what we can expect from the writers is upon Ty's return a video surfaces on the internet showing him in a lip lock with some Mongolian tribal princess. LOL.....



I agree with you...although I do commend Ty for wanting to be a wildlife warrior and help to protect the Gobi bears, but the timing is just not right. Amy is pregnant and at a time like this, he should be a responsible father and take care of his pregnant wife, he says he'll be gone for a couple of months but we don't know exactly how long it's going to take...he could possibly miss the birth of his baby. I like Ty and I don't want him to be like Peter, an irresponsible and absent I'm disappointed that Ty decided to go to Mongolia at such a crucial time like this.

If Amy were not pregnant, then I would fully support Ty's decision...but since she is pregnant, the timing is just not right, he should be home supporting and protecting his pregnant wife. And as much as I like Amy, I think she's just too soft and submissive sometimes, especially when it comes to her relationship with Ty.
