MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > Too Soon Ty & Amy! (contains spoilers)

Too Soon Ty & Amy! (contains spoilers)

I think having Any get pregnant so soon is a mistake. They just got married not that long ago and I thought they wanted to enjoy time with just the two of them before having babies, now they are having a kid? Too soon!

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"



I haven't seen any spoilers for the upcoming season but do feel free to spoil anything for me. I'm all about spoilers. I do not mind them at all. What do I have to look forward to?

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"



I got it. Thx for the info. That just sounds really weird!

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"



i know its a old post i would like that link to



i wonder if this was the original plan or the actor who plays ty was just burnt out or they could use for drama going into season 11 if their is a season 11



sounds like what happen to mallory back in season 7 where they had to write her out also


He was rarely in Season 9, and now if he does go off to protect gobi bears, it would spoil the programme for me. I would expect the way he was with his own father he would want to stay with his pregnant wife. I am beginning to think Heartland has jumped the shark.


i thought he only missed 5 episodes in season 9 not nearly as much as it seems he will miss this season but i do understand that everyone needs time off also



So he wants to be off the show?

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"



well hey you know it is common for actors to want to move on from projects after a while and do something new. They have all been doing it a lot longer than a lot of shows last these days.

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"


Too soon? They've been together for a long time, got married and now they're having a kid. Seeing Jr. Jack (not the kid's name) is something I've been looking forward to but they're yet to be born.

Two kids actually.
