MovieChat Forums > Old (2021) Discussion > Would you have liked a 'happily ever aft...

Would you have liked a 'happily ever after' ending?

The main characters' family all manage to escape and go back to their normal ages.


No... I still thought this ending was to happy... better if no one escaped and the ending was a new batch of test subjects arriving at the island... without the operation being exposed...


But that is too common and so cliché.


It isn't more cliché that the ending they chose...


On second thought, maybe it is. But the prospect of living in your 50's while mentally still only under the age of 10, missing out on all those years, is more sad and scary than if they died too.


I liked the ending as-is. I think that would have been too neat of a conclusion to have a happily-ever-after given the stakes and the situation. The ending as-is was nicely set up, and satisfying while also having a nice dose of fridge horror.


Yep, the main family escapes, alive and very aged, then later at the very end of the film, in a post credits scene, they find their bodies are slowly reverting to their original age. I would get rid of the science conspiracy observer portion of it all and just have it as an unknown anomaly.


The graphic novel left an open ended ending. It honestly made the story feel so empty to be honest.


Godawful Disney ending


The ending was OK but I thought the hotel staff got off lightly, I would have liked to see some of them stranded on the beach themselves.
