MovieChat Forums > Nope (2022) Discussion > Was it ever explained why the father was...

Was it ever explained why the father was randomly struck?

Was it actually intentional or was it excreting waste similar to what it did in the blood bath scene? If the latter I find it strange in that it doesn't spew loose change and keys for the rest of the movie.


Animals don't leak shit constantly. They shit when they shit.


Yes but as we saw it made it a point to rain blood over their house.




There is a scene with a key getting stuck in some wood on the front of the house when it was dumping on the house.


it marks the first time the alien found the ranch. they say the dad died "six months ago" and that's also how long jupe says he's been 'taming' the beast.

my question is who did it just eat? people just scattered around the valley? or did it take people from the carnival show?


my question is who did it just eat? people just scattered around the valley? or did it take people from the carnival show?

It had to have been people scattered around the valley. From the information we were given, there were the hikers as being some off-screen kills and to that point it was just the pawned off horses Jupe was feeding him. That was his first "live" show IIRC when the 40 people were abducted and eaten.


I was trying to remember what that first news story was--the hikers answers that question!

When did they say it was his first live show? I was under the impression he had been doing it for a while but it seems like it would have been on the news if that were the case. It makes more sense if that was the first time he tried.


Yes. That was the first time BUT with a live audience. The previous times off-screen he was attempting to train the alien with the horses OJ was selling to him.



It's open to interpretation as to whether the creature immediately has to void all the inorganic matter once it finishes digesting the people (the hikers at the beginning of the film and later the people at Jupiter's ranch) it has eaten, or if it was marking its territory by defecating the lethal debris onto the creatures and houses in the valley.
