MovieChat Forums > Foxcatcher (2015) Discussion > 12 lbs.lost in 90 minutes?

12 lbs.lost in 90 minutes?

Is that even possible? Perhaps I didn't understand that correctly.


I heard 2 pounds. Which, yes.


As a High School wrestler I remember losing about 3 1/2 lbs in one 90 minute practice session, but I was a dehydrated 100 lb. bean pole sucking weight that always left me anemic and with no energy all the time.

I think a thicker 180 lb. wrestler could lose the 12, but it would have to be as shown in the movie.


Did the purging after the binging have anything to do with it too? I wish they would have explained how far after he ate all the room service ordered food that David came into his room. Was it a few hours, the next morning..
Needed a probability of how much calories his body would have absorbed.


I wrestled in High School as well and would typically lose 3 pounds in 90 minutes. After one particularly grueling 90 minute practice I dropped from 103 pounds to 98.. Our middle weight guys (150 - 170) would drop 6-8 pounds and our 185 pound and up guys would lose 9 or 10.

Mark Schultz wrestled at 82 kg (180 pounds) in the Olypics which means he probably walked around at 205 pounds or so and would start dropping weight in the month before a match. A guy that size could definitely go from 192 to 180 pounds in 90 minutes by sweating off a gallon and half of water.


I wondered if it was possible to do it that fast, too... I figured it was one of those things that seems so unlikely, that it has to be true? Why would they include it, knowing that people would instinctively doubt it, if it wasn't actually possible?

... Or maybe it IS all baloney, and they really are that brazen!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"




This is something that is actually done in the wrestling world, as well as other weight-based sports like MMA fighting and powerlifting. Connor McGregor competed in the 138lb weight class and the 170lb weight class in the same month. Most of it is based on rapidly shredding waterweight, not actually burning fat. Other methods that are used include the spit bucket (spitting into a bucket over the course of a day or two), extreme use of laxatives, exercising in a sauna so that nearly all skin moisture is dried, and vomiting. A lot of powerlifters and bodybuilders (probably wrestlers too) have been rushed to the hospital due to extreme dehydration during these weight shreds.


The poor guy he had to wrestle. Mark would have reeked, not only from all that extreme sweating but the puking too.
