
Why would anyone want to see this?

What would be the point, the original is a classic, you just know it will be terrible.


They made it to make money?


Exactly. I mean Home Alone is super popular & has lots of nostalgic feels. Why wouldn't Disney try & milk it some more?

The animated to live action remakes are making them literally billions.

Nostalgia, it's a helluva drug


True, but some films they should just leave alone.
What next, Back to the futurešŸ˜£


As long as there's money to be made & people keep watching the (mostly inferior) remakes, they're gonna keep pumping them out.

Also, you don't have to worry, Robert Zemeckis says a Back to the Future remake will never happen as long as he's alive.


Thank God for that.


Co-creator & producer Bob Gale is also on the same boat. He says he's been approached countless times & got offered huge chunks of money for the rights but he refuses to give 'em up as well.

Saying he's already made a lot of money & is adamant that the franchise has run its course.

Actual quote by Bob Gale:

You know, you don't sell your kids into prostitution. It was the wrong thing to do. We put 'The End' at the end of part three... Plus Michael J. Fox isn't in the shape to do a movie, and nobody wants to see Marty McFly having Parkinson's disease, and nobody wants to see another actor playing Marty McFly if it's supposed to be a continuation.


A sequal might be good to see if all the old cast came back, think I read somewhere that Christopher Lloyd said he wouldn't do it without Michael J Fox.

It's a remake with Jaden Smith or whoever they'd cast, I wouldn't wanna see.


They did some good continuation material in comicbook form. Robert Zemeckis himself oversaw it & Bob Gale wrote a bunch of them. And yes, they're considered canon

I get the sense that in terms of films, both Zemeckis & Gale feel like they've told a complete story. They accomplished what they set out to do.


A reverse of Disney's classic-animation-into-live-action could work here. Remake BTTF in 3D animation form.

Kids will love it. Parents might prefer acompanying their kids watching that for the nostalgia value instead of another annoying Minions' or Toy Story's endless sequels.


I think they made it to see if John Hughes would turn over in his grave.


I think he might.


I refuse to even watch this. The trailers made it look lame especially compared to the first 2 films. In this new one Kevin shoots the Burglar with a gun that shoots Croquet balls and one of the villains falls off the roof onto a trampoline, then bounces off the trampoline into a tree. it just seems lame compared to the traps in the original.
