MovieChat Forums > Wrath of Man (2021) Discussion > Bad guy got off easy (spoilers)

Bad guy got off easy (spoilers)

I nearly always find this to be the case (except with Seagal films where you almost pity the villain in the middle of Seagal’s assault - see the final fight in Marked For Death)

Scott Eastwood flat out executes Statham’s kid for no good reason. He deserved a series of humiliating permanent injuries like castration, selective dismemberment, blinding, then tortured for weeks and left to live in agony until what’s left of his body finally keels over and dies.

McCallany too. Dude executed several of his colleagues who trusted him and he gets a headshot? I know Statham didn’t kill him but I wanted to see a punishment that befit the crime, involving serious prolonged pain, but he gets an easy checkout instead.

Come on, this is a revenge film, a good one too, so let’s see some proportionate revenge.


It's not really for no good reason, the kid saw his face.


That is not a good reason to execute an innocent child.


In the eyes of the robber, at that moment, he couldn't care less if he was an innocent child, and adult or even an elder. All he saw was a witness who could identify him. Now, you don't partake an operation like this to risk being caught.

Also, in your original post, you say you want to see proportionate revenge but what you are proposing is everything but that: Castration, weeks of torture, etc. Compared to gun shot wounds resulting in a relatively quick death... that's completely disproportionate.

I myself believe in "an eye for an eye". And that's exactly what H did. He didn't indulge in useless sadistic cruelty. He sought justice and got even.


No. Executing an innocent, especially a child, is extraordinarily evil and the punishment must therefore be extensive and prolonged.

Not only have you taken a young life, you’ve ruined the lives of his loved ones. All of that must be factored in, the suffering you’ve caused must be translated into your punishment, and what I’ve suggested about prolonged torture and humiliation is, if anything, too lenient.


You are messed up....

Go watch "The Tortured" or "Les 7 Jours du Talion". You'll find what you seek.


No, you are messed up for making excuses for a child killer.

Are the people being tortured in those films guilty of executing innocent people?


Yes. You'll love'em. Have fun and don't pleasure yourself too hard while watching !


Who do they kill and why?


I gave you the titles. Do the rest yourself you lazy...


No. I’m not automatically wasting time on your suggestions, and the fact that you’re not answering simple questions about them is an instant red flag that you’re a scumbag liar (which would make sense since we also know you’re a child murder apologist). In fact, let’s check the synopsis of your first suggestion…

Yep, in The Tortured they torture the wrong guy. He didn’t kill anyone, you lied, as predicted.

Any other ways you want to sink further down the moral toilet?


Sure. Please go on showing everybody how stable you are. 🙂


Please go on calling others ‘unstable’ while you impulsively lie and excuse child murder without realising the irony.


You call me impulsive? 🤣

And speak of irony when you've been nothing but a writing contradiction ? 😂

Awww... it's good to laugh. Thank you buddy !
