MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > SOA turned in season4+ from gritty drama...

SOA turned in season4+ from gritty drama to UNINTENTIONAL comedy

I mean, correct me if I'm mistaken:
a) The MC president (Jax), the longer he led the more implausible he became to the point of absurdity:
- Dealmaking: they sure seem grand and profitable and smart on the short term, but name one that lasted more than 2 months, or even weeks (Clay on the other hand his "short sided" deals except for the Galindo one lasted decades, AKA the Real IRA relationship)
- Profitability: The last time the club earned big and constantly was under Clay (all of Jax's ideas floundered literally in blood)
- Street cred: I don't know where/how he got any, because if he can't even beat down people twice his age (Nero and Galen especially, after their fight in S5 in front of the cartel Galen was barely bruised and unfazed yet Jax was clearly dazed and far more bruised) how come he has ANY street respect?
- Credibility: this is the worst part. By season 4 he's a bona fide professional double and triple crosser with a forked tongue. The fact that people like Marks, T.O. and any of the other gangs keep dealing with him is simply not plausible (Galen being the ONLY one to state the obvious: Jax is too hotheaded and non trustworthy).
- Mommy issues: how can a street tough gang (outlaw MC's are gangs, deal with it) put up with any old lady butting into their business daily?

b) The TM shop:
- It's supposed to be the club's day job (their ACTUAL job, to justify their income), yet they are ever barely there (working, they sure are at the bar and clubhouse all the time) at all wearing coveralls (meaning working).
- Does the shop do any actual car/bike/truck work? Because the MC is 24/7 thugging in the streets, so do they have magical elfs to cover for them (I sure don't remember a payroll of actual mechanics)?
- Being a mechanic today ain't as easy as before where any knucklehead with a wrench could get basic stuff done. With today's vehicles full of electronics, you simply cannot work on them without high technical skills and machinery (I know REAL car mechanics, they can give any STEM graduate a run for their money electronics wise). The shop looks like a 70's body shop. Jax said so himself he was a poor mechanic so he wouldn't be able to get a real job anywhere Tara chose to go (pretty sure he can't even do car washing).

c) Gemma:
- From her unrealistic power in the club, absurd screen time (season 7 was straight up The Gemma Show with special guest stars the SOA) and even more absurd line of people in love with her (only Clay is plausible for they hooked up when young and thus grew old together), she simply defies plausibility
- I don't care if Gemma was the lady of the club founder. We sure don't see Piney's old lady butting in or any other club lady for that matter, do all the club members have such strong mommy issues? They wouldn't be respected anywhere by anyone.

d) The sheriff office:
- For the most they do act credibly, until Eli is killed in Season 6. After that, what happens, law wise? NOTHING, he just gets replaced. Anything resembling real life would show state police (and even FBI) descending upon Charming and tearing every gang apart for retribution (Eli's murder was from the start blamed on gang activity).
- With all the massacres in season 7, how come SWAT and the FBI, ATF and the national guard don't show up? It's just too much violence unchecked, seems like Mexico.

e) The "progressiveness" of the show:
- Venus Van Damme: while Goggings plays the character straight and sympathetically, Venus is ultimately paired with the club's resident necrophiliac (Tig). How are we supposed to take that exactly?

You think I'm nit picking? In The Shield (where Sutter comes from), they handled all these aspects properly and realistically, so Sutter has no excuse for not being able to pull it off (clearly he wasn't one of The Shield's main writers).


For the most they do act credibly, until Eli is killed in Season 6. After that, what happens, law wise? NOTHING, he just gets replaced.

lol...yeah, they were pretty laid back about their sheriff getting gunned down..

I suppose they were reasonably cool about it across there in Fargo, though, too, right?

) The "progressiveness" of the show:
- Venus Van Damme: while Goggings plays the character straight and sympathetically, Venus is ultimately paired with the club's resident necrophiliac (Tig). How are we supposed to take that exactly?

that he is a kinkoid with more than one kink. Look, do I like that storyline, no, I think at most it could have been left with them maybe sharing one encounter, or just Tig's 'unsettling' when around him/her.
I think more than once I just FFWD the scenes him and Venus.

I guess maybe they had to get back in with the SJWs like the one in that article recently posted, they maybe had to pay the interest on all of those servile negative-stereotype women in the show, by having a diverse trannie and a fairly diverse couple.
Although both are white men, which as we know is not a good start, at least both are men having sex with each other , and one of the men is also a woman.


"I suppose they were reasonably cool about it across there in Fargo, though, too, right? "

Nothing to do with this.

"I guess maybe they had to get back in with the SJWs like the one in that article recently posted, they maybe had to pay the interest on all of those servile negative-stereotype women in the show, by having a diverse trannie and a fairly diverse coupl"

I get that, but from all the SOA characters available, why the sole necrophiliac? It can't be a random oversight, right? Looks like Sutter wants to have it both ways...


I get that, but from all the SOA characters available, why the sole necrophiliac? It can't be a random oversight, right? Looks like Sutter wants to have it both ways...

well, having it both ways is of course yet another kink..

Although Fargo is nothing to do with them, I brought it up as another example where small/smallish town sheriff gets blown away, and, they really don't make that big a deal out of it.


I get that, but from all the SOA characters available, why the sole necrophiliac? It can't be a random oversight, right? Looks like Sutter wants to have it both ways...

well, having it both ways is of course yet another kink..

So you are saying that being the necrophiliac already, they are just loading him up wiht too many different specialised sciences and hobbies, putting him in an affair with a trannie as well?

Although Fargo is nothing to do with them, I brought it up as another example where small/smallish town sheriff gets blown away, and, they really don't make that big a deal out of it.


Blah blah blah.

You should have just quit watching if you were upset by THAT. It's a FICIIONAL TV series about a biker MC, you're expecting way too much.

Sutter didn't have as much creative control on The Shield as some people think.


Why I couldn't get through season 1, and didn't really bother watching seasons 2 or 3.

Only got seasons 4-6 for Ron Perlman (he can make anything watchable), don't care for season 7 because he ain't in it.

"Sutter didn't have as much creative control on The Shield as some people think."

Thank heaven for that, Shawn Ryan all the way!!!


You really don't have any room to judge a show if you didn't even watch the first two seasons.


I saw most of season 1. Just couldn't finish it (too boring and lame for me).

I'll try to watch season 2 just for Perlman, will skip season 3 (keep reading it's the lamest with the Belfast thing).
