MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Nothing here about the Series Finale?

Nothing here about the Series Finale?

Worst. Ever.


Maybe not worst ever, but pretty cheesy


But it was probably hard to have something that you'd actually like and enjoy, and that fitted the show's mostly dark themes and tone all along, and also when you knew this was it, it was over.
Was going to be impossible to actually please everyone with it, or maybe even actually please many people, ditto Breaking Bad and Sopranos finales.
Obviously Sopranos people are still moaning/arguing about who/what came out of the diner bathroom.

I think we actually effectively had two series finales.
I'd call Tara's killing in itself series finale Part 1...not just s6 finale.


To me, the S3 finale was perfect.
The ending -- it was just badly done cinematically


By the end, the show was an overblown mess. Couldn't wait for it to be done, and glad that Jax got killed. Only wished that he'd had to suffer as much as he made others.


I actually wanted to kill it too, but now, watching re-runs , I'm belatedly sad about it..but as I said back then, I miss the opening titles more than the show itself.


The ending would not have been so bad if it didn't include the Jesus symbolism, bread, wine, and the cross symbol as he crashed into the mac truck. Jax was far from a martyr.


I very much enjoyed it - the symbolism and the rest.


I quite liked how it ended, it was fitting. Just finished binge watching the entire series on Netflix.

Ajax had to die, just like with Walter White, it had to happen that way. Chibs as president and Tig as VP was perfect.

Happy Wendy stayed clean and took the boys.
Was pissed when Bobby died, was fine when Gemma died.

Poor Juice, getting prison raped by Marylin Manson, anybody would choose death after that.

Worst series finale no not even close.
Dexter takes the honor for worst ending ever.

Anyway glad I can get on the SOA IMDb page now, except I have to find something else to watch now.



Stupid autocorrect


Jax's suicide was fitting, however, how it was done... A procession of cop cars "chasing" a guy on a vintage motorcycle veeeeery slooooowly, the bread/wine/Jesus pose nonsense, topped up with bad CGI. Really that was piss-taking


If Jax really needed to die (Which I am completely ok with), I would have much preferred it if Chibs would have just done him in after the Mayhem vote. It seems silly to have to shoot Happy in the arm (I think that a bullet to the arm like that would probably do more damage than just needing a little bandage) and have Jax run away, just to have him drive into Mackey at the end...



yeah, Dexter was *beep* up.

From Miami, to driving a logging truck in Washington or Alaska?

Still, I suppose he could still vivisect hitch-hiking bad people..


They executed it horribly, but its more of less the ending that I wanted. I'm just glad that they didnt try to give Jax a happy ending.


It was amazing. It ended the series like it should have.

Have to chuckle that people think the worst of something simply because it didn't end exactly the way they wanted it to.

People are allowed to their own opinion and not everyone likes or enjoys the same thing ALL of the time.

Worst ever? ..Are you new to TV or something?


It's a stretch to call the SoA final amazing and ending as it should have. It's also silly to say it's the worst ever.

I thought it was pretty good. The Jesus references were a little much. The way they ended Nero's storyline was great. The way they ended Dayton Callie's character was brutal. Unser deserved better. Relying too much on the acting ability of a 5 year old was a bad idea. Abel's important scenes were clunky and out of place. They did tie up the loose ends nicely. The way Jax died was horrible. Chibs as Pres and Tig as VP was the right call.

So, some really good and a couple of bad points, for me anyway. I give it a respectable 7 out of 10.


It's a stretch to call the SoA final amazing and ending as it should have. It's also silly to say it's the worst ever.

I thought it was pretty good. The Jesus references were a little much. The way they ended Nero's storyline was great. The way they ended Dayton Callie's character was brutal. Unser deserved better. Relying too much on the acting ability of a 5 year old was a bad idea. Abel's important scenes were clunky and out of place. They did tie up the loose ends nicely. The way Jax died was horrible. Chibs as Pres and Tig as VP was the right call.

If you say so, Hoss. It did end as it should have considering it ended the way it was foreshadowed as in the very first episode.

I agree about all the Jesus references. That was probably my least favorite part of the final episode was that all the religion references were heavy handed and thrown right square in our faces.

Kid actors are hard to do period and the way he protrayed him was perfect. I really don't understand peoples issues with him considering what he went through and all that he had seen there really shouldn't be any expectations of him being normal whatsoever.

The way Jax died was poetic and gave the series a lot of meaning. It was clear since day one that he'd probably go out like his dad and for the same reason: It was the best way to help his club and family survive but also because let's face it. Jax didn't deserve a happy ending and it would have been *beep* to give him one.

Chibs and Tig running the club was probably the best outcome for them. Rat was inexperienced and had just gotten patched in, Quinn/Montez seemed like two characters that wouldn't want that responsibility and would rather dedicate themselves to protecting it out in the "field." I don't think Happy really wanted to ever have that sort of formal power and the role of Sgt At Arms was the perfect rank for him and fit his character to a T.

Otherwise, I agree.


It's a stretch to call the SoA final amazing and ending as it should have. It's also silly to say it's the worst ever.

I thought it was pretty good. The Jesus references were a little much. The way they ended Nero's storyline was great. The way they ended Dayton Callie's character was brutal. Unser deserved better. Relying too much on the acting ability of a 5 year old was a bad idea. Abel's important scenes were clunky and out of place. They did tie up the loose ends nicely. The way Jax died was horrible. Chibs as Pres and Tig as VP was the right call.

If you say so, Hoss. It did end as it should have considering it ended the way it was foreshadowed as in the very first episode. Minus the excessive religion references and the *beep* CGI it ended the way I pictured it would and it was amazing enough for me even if other people fail to see it like I do.

I agree about all the Jesus references. That was probably my least favorite part of the final episode was that all the religion references were heavy handed and thrown right square in our faces.

Kid actors are hard to do period and the way he portrayed him was perfect. I really don't understand peoples issues with him considering what he went through and all that he had seen there really shouldn't be any expectations of him being normal whatsoever.

The way Jax died was poetic and gave the series a lot of meaning. It was clear since day one that he'd probably go out like his dad and for the same reason: It was the best way to help his club and family survive but also because let's face it. Jax didn't deserve a happy ending and it would have been *beep* to give him one.

Chibs and Tig running the club was probably the best outcome for them. Rat was inexperienced and had just gotten patched in, Quinn/Montez seemed like two characters that wouldn't want that responsibility and would rather dedicate themselves to protecting it out in the "field." I don't think Happy really wanted to ever have that sort of formal power and the role of Sgt At Arms was the perfect rank for him and fit his character to a T.

Otherwise, I agree.


Jesus, crows, and wine! "Worst. Ever" is just a saying. Not literal. Like literally though, one of the worst ever. I like "cheesy". Goes good with whine. How's this? I give it a 1 out of 10. There are lots of 1's. Which one is the worst? Who knows? But this is one of them. It was obvious the show went one or two seasons too long. Then they tried to wrap everything up (horribly, I might add) in the final two episodes. Like they just got word it wasn't going to be renewed.
