MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Why did Wayne betray Tara?

Why did Wayne betray Tara?

He knew what she was doing was for the boys but he turned against her. Weak bastard.


Because he spent the entire series sucking up to Gemma and acting like a pathetic lapdog.

Although I don't see him as intentionally betraying her although he did open his mouth telling Gemma that Tara had made a deal when she hadn't. Wayne couldn't possibly have been that stupid to not realize that it would make Gemma FLIP.

I hated the character for not being able to keep his mouth shut and hanging around the club following them around and being their bitch after treating him like *beep* over and over again.


him being their little pet ex-cop who lives in a trailer on their crib is a little weird, as is the long-running platonic love-affair with Gemma...what's his end in that? She really likes him calls him sweetheart along with most other citizens of Charming, but, he is not quite up to being in receipt of her actual favors?

Or, she or both of them just think that maybe she would kill him, or something?

OTOH, we mostly shrug all of this off, as we mostly do just like Unser..


That is exactly how I see it, she loves having him around to do some of her dirty biddings. He was helpful in her rape crisis, she didn't deserve to be rape (no one does) but she also has no right trying to stop Jax and Tara from caring for their children.


Although I don't see him as intentionally betraying her although he did open his mouth telling Gemma that Tara had made a deal when she hadn't. Wayne couldn't possibly have been that stupid to not realize that it would make Gemma FLIP.

it was pure stupidity. was not sorry to see him go.


Unser's comment set Gemma off in a rage and resulted in Tara's death.
Although he was a decent sort of person who knew Tara wanted to protect her kids and had wanted to help her, he was in the habit of telling Gemma stuff. He probably shared gossip with her as a way to be useful to her and be able to hang around with her more. But I don't think he intended to betray Tara.

Unser didn't know the full story when he spoke to Gemma. When he heard Jax was going to be arrested and that there was some kind of deal made, he assumed Tara had made a deal. He probably figured that she was in protective custody at that point. So I don't think he believed he was putting Tara at risk; I don't believe he would have said anything he thought would put her at risk. He just wanted to let Gemma know so she could see Jax before he was taken to jail, something like that.

Unser's unrequited love and pining for Gemma made him look pathetic. But I guess it was necessary for his role in the story. It helped explain why he went out of the way to help as much as he did. He knew Gemma wanted him to help the club.
It ultimately got him killed.


Unser didn't know the full story when he spoke to Gemma. When he heard Jax was going to be arrested and that there was some kind of deal made, he assumed Tara had made a deal. He probably figured that she was in protective custody at that point. So I don't think he believed he was putting Tara at risk; I don't believe he would have said anything he thought would put her at risk. He just wanted to let Gemma know so she could see Jax before he was taken to jail, something like that.

Your point is? It's the fact that he didn't know the full story when he spoke to Gemma that made him a dumbass and indirectly responsible for Tara's death. His assumptions about her being in protective custody would also be a stupid move and make him even more guilty. You're giving him a little too much credit.


It's the fact that he didn't know the full story when he spoke to Gemma that made him a dumbass and indirectly responsible for Tara's death.

Yeah I agree. I was kind of playing devil's advocate there.

Actually my first thought when I saw that episode was that Unser had royally screwed up. He was playing both sides. He made an assumption and then shared it with Gemma. Gemma had a well known history of snapping and getting physically violent when emotional, and her emotions were very volatile. And there is nothing that could set her off more than the thought of her son going away for a long stretch and her grandsons lost to her forever because someone ratted them out to the cops. Wayne understood this as well as anyone.

When he offered to help Tara, he implicitly agreed to keep her doings secret. He even commented to her that he surmised that her meeting with Wendy was on the down low and covered for her when Gemma almost walked in and discovered the meeting.
Wayne is a strange dude. There are times when he keeps his thoughts to himself about things, and other times when he blabs too much.

If he hadn't caught Tara meeting with Wendy Tara probably would not have involved him at all. That would not have changed anything I guess. Unser would still have passed on the rumor he heard. It didn't matter that he told her he didn't have the full story. He knew Gemma would take his assumption as fact and go nuts.

It was fitting that he died with Gemma in the end. Unser wasn't an evil person, but his devotion to Gemma resulted indirectly in Tara's death.


Because he was in love with Gemma. There's really nothing more behind his motivations but that. Like mrgreen said, Unser spent the entire series acting like Gemma's little lapdog. That's why it was so gosh darn difficult for him to solve Tara's mysterious murder, because his precious Gemma never displayed any sort of violence or anger towards her daughter-in-law before she was brutally murdered.

I know I'm a vampire, Snookie.


I bet he knew it was Gemma did it but refused to admit it.


his precious Gemma never displayed any sort of violence or anger towards her daughter-in-law before she was brutally murdered.
I think she did. She smacked her around once or twice if I am not mistaken. At least once.
But Wayne might not have known that.
But Gemma had a history of losing her temper and getting physical with people.

Still, I don't think anyone could imagine Gemma killing Tara in the way she was killed, especially since Eli Roosevelt was also murdered there.

If anyone could have, it would have been Unser. He was pretty good at putting things together. He figured Clay was behind the breakins and beat downs. He was pretty cluey that way.

But his love for Gemma probably created a blind spot for him. It is natural for us to discount any suggestion that someone we love is guilty of a serious crime. We don't want to believe it.


Yes, she had been violent with Tara multiple times. I was being sarcastic with that statement, because it should have been obvious to Wayne (a former cop) that Tara's angry mother-in-law was the one who murdered her.

I know I'm a vampire, Snookie.


Well, Juice lied to Unser about it. And he also probably had a hard time thinking that Gemma would murder Eli Roosevelt.
Also Unser had a blind spot where Gemma was concerned because he was in love with her.

As much of a bitch as Gemma was, and as many times as she had lost her temper and bloodied some whore's face up, she had never killed anyone (at least as far as I can recall now) that Wayne knew about. Still he knew she was fully capable of murder.

Unser assumed Tara had made a deal. He was stupid to tell Gemma what he assumed. When Tara died right after that, Gemma should have been at least near the top, if not at the top of Unser's suspect list. The timing should have told him. And she had a very big motive; she would never see her grandsons again, her son would go to prison, and the MC would probably be finished.
(And he knew when he told Gemma what he thought about Tara making a deal that it would create a huge motive for her to do something to Tara, which makes him very stupid and a culpable rat.)

I guess Unser didn't think Gemma would murder Roosevelt. Then Juice put set him on the Chinese. And he just didn't want to believe it.

But I think if he had not been in love with her he might have put it together. There was too much circumstantial evidence pointing to Gemma.


What about JT? Unser was involved in that one.

And it wasn't Gemma who killed Eli, it was Juice


Unser covered up what he knew because Clay convinced him it was "for the good of Charming". But he didn't take part in it.

Yes Juice killed Roosevelt.
My point was that there were two bodies at the scene. Unser had to figure out how they both got killed.
If he figured Gemma killed Tara in a rage, then he would have to assume she also killed Roosevelt, or else that she had help in killing him. But if she had help then it would seem more like it was planned instead of a rage killing.

I didn't mean that Gemma killed both, just that Unser probably figured he was looking for someone who killed both, and that he probably didn't think Gemma would kill Roosevelt.


Well, Juice lied to Unser about it. And he also probably had a hard time thinking that Gemma would murder Eli Roosevelt.

no, but I think he means, that we had in fact two victims two killers, which the Eli component of that added to the clouding of what must have happened re Gemma..the fact that Gemma would be highly unlikely to clip Eli as well, meant that the finger also pointed away from her so far as the Tara killing which then blew back on Eli..

if all he had was one dead Tara, it would be much harder for him to look past Gemma..the fact that there are bodies everywhere, means he can say 'wtf went on here, who the *beep* would be capable of all of this ??? Some serious *beep* sweeper must have come through here "


Gemma never displayed any sort of violence or anger towards her daughter-in-law before she was brutally murdered.

Did you not even watch the last two seasons that Tara was in?


See my above post. I was pointing out Unser's stupidity through sarcasm.

I know I'm a vampire, Snookie.
