Gemma's scar

I just started watching the show recently, only about a third of the way through Season 2, so please don't spoil anything for me.

Gemma has a very noticeable scar in the middle of her chest. Because of how clear it is, and the location, I'm guessing it wasn't part of breast augmentation surgery. I'm just curious - does the scar ever get explained, or is it just a minor mystery? Again, just looking for a simple yes or no answer as to whether it gets explained, not looking for the explanation at this point.

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


She had an open heart surgery


Gemma did, or Katey Sagal did?


Gemma. A congenital heart defect.


It already has been explained - the surgery than Abel had to have at the start of series 1 was linked to a hereditary heart issue and at some point during that storyline Gemma mentions she had the same thing. I always interpreted a second meaning which is that her emotional core (her heart) is also damaged/broken.


If I remember correctly, it was explained in the first season very early on. Pay attention, boyo!


You're not allowed to tell people to pay attention to the show on this board 


It was esplained in the first season that heart defects run in the family. Gemma mentioned Jax and Jax's younger brother being born with the same issues.
