Clay Morrow:

I'm on Season 5, why the F doesn't anyone kill Clay he is so obvious in his lies to me, but no one else gets it until it's too late... Just poor writing I guess, but no worse than most shows, Kurt Sutter's just a step behind me... I did like The Bastard Executioner at the end, wish they'd renew that, but it isn't going to happen...maybe if I was the writer...


Jax wanted to kill him but Bobby said no in mayhem vote


Did you not watch S4? They needed him alive because nobody else would do the Irish gun deal unless Clay was alive and in charge of it. Galen didn't trust Jax and rightfully so.


In s5 they come to a point where they don't need him anymore


He needed to be alive in S6 so they could ship him off to Ireland to work for Galen which is why Galen was shot along with Clay in the same scene so it'd look like the business deal ultimately went south.


They always had some reason or another for keeping him alive, but the writers definitely stretched things to find those reasons.

These guys were willing to kill government agents, cops, terrorists, rival gang members, and random civilians for no reason and at strong risk or serious repercussions, but had trouble offing their own guys for generally minor reasons?
