MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Disecting the Gemma and Clay fight scene

Disecting the Gemma and Clay fight scene

I recently watched the scene in season 4 where Clay beat Gemma. What was more disturbing than watching Clay brutally beat Gemma? Reading the comment section below that video where viewers were praising a man beating his wife. Enough about that, though. Let's discuss the scene. What thoughts ran through your mind while watching it? Here is what I thought: Gemma, overwhelmed by the past and present - and realizing Clay had became a huge big bad, a threat to her family - snapped, and pulled that trigger. She missed, though. Did she accidentally miss, or did she deliberatley miss? Clay survived and could have walked out. He, instead, chose to beat Gemma vrry heinously. Yes, Gemma pulled the trigger. Clay did try to murder Tara, though, and he lived. Such a shocking scene.


Whilst in no way i condone domestic violence, but...
He could have (and surely would have) walked away if she had hit him with a frying pan or something, but she nearly blew his head off. And knowing Gemma, she didn't fire into the air just to prove a point. If he had just stood there, most likely she would have tried again and again.
He regretted it almost immediately.
However, he had been such a prick to Gemma throughout s4. When he grabs her by the neck in e2 or 3, it was obvious that this is not going to end well. He was very different character than we knew from s1-3, when he was just sweet and loving.


I'm not sure if the shot was ever meant to hit Clay, but seems to me, if the intention was to wound or kill him, she had time to fire again.
Point in his direction and empty the thing.

their gradual repair after that beating she took, tells the real story.
Gemma is reluctant to completely eliminate or even completely sever ties with, any man who might still come in useful to her.All possibilities for her avoiding ending up old and alone.

If she wanted Clay dead or even seriously damaged in hospital, it would have happened there, imo....some might point out that she may have had an eye on the broader political ramifications of Clay's death , to the club and business.

For his own part, he must have been firing wide too. Man of his size and apparent strenght, if he cut loose all-out on her in that kind of situation, he would cave her face completely in in a few blows, not just give her a couple of doozy shiners and fat lips.He'd pretty quickly kill her outright.


That beating was Clay's death sentence. He was supposed to be shot dead by Opie. But that didn't work out, Gemma gave Jax the letters and expected him to finish the job. When she goes into hospital, she doesn't quite expect to find Clay still alive. Of course she still had feelings for him and couldn't bear herself to finish him off, so she just leaves him there
