Jax and Opie

I'm rewatching the series and I just can't help but feel cheated. I feel like I was teased from the beginning that eventually we will see Jax as the head of the club with Opie by his side as VP. I would see them run the club like their fathers before them. While i get narratively where they were going. I still feel cheated cause thats what I really wanted to see. Am I the only one?


Well yeah, we came this close to having Op as Jax's VP and then the two of them would run the club. Instead Op goes bananas and drops the club, just in time to be taken out. Op didn't even get to see Clay taken out, or have his own justice on Clay. They could have easily written it that Op takes out Clay, and Jax takes out Galen, and together they take out Pope/Marks.

I think what they did to Piney and Op was pretty stupid. Here you have a First 9 Original Member, Piney Winston, taken out by another First 9 Original Member. Why? 20 years of friendship and brotherhood wiped out because of what? Because you can't actually talk to someone about what's wrong? Piney hiding out in the SoA cabin for weeks at a time instead of directly confronting Clay on the issues, out in the open--in front of the club, is what lead to Piney's death.


I agree especially with the writing for Opie. I would have love to see him and Jax lead the club before Opie being taken out. When it comes to Piney I understand it more because the writing was on the wall since season 1. Once Piney found out the truth about Donna it was only a matter of time IMO.


Yeah I wish that that happened would have been cool to see them as President and Vice President.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Bobby was a better VP than Opie would have been. Bobby was level headed and had the club's long term health in mind when he made decisions.

Opie wouldnt have been much more than a mirror of what Jax wanted. When Bobby disagreed with a decision, he stated it clearly and openly. When Opie disagreed with Jax about stuff, he got moody and kept it to himself.

Neither of them could have contained jax's poor leadership though.


I figured Ope would be a better Sergeant of Arms, which I how he was w Jax from the beginning.
Bobby was a great VP. Chibbs was level headed too. Definitely leader material

I don't know Butchie instead.


You make valid points about bobby as opposed to Opie. I guess its just the fan in me that wanted to see a jax and opie pairing so badly.


As far a jax's leadership, i feel it went downhill once opie died. He turned reckless and evil, jax went full monster once tara was killed. I feel his poor leadership was a direct result of the tragedy he suffered.


Ryan Hurst character Opie, was originally supposed to be killed off after the first season, but he was such a fan favorite Kurt Sutter rewrote the script with Donna being killed, and that being Opies downfall. I believe him and Jax would've taken the Sons to great levels, Seeing Opie beaten to death forever changed Jax from wanting the gavel, but after but, after Tara being killed, Jax lost all his vision for the good of the club, and went absolutely berserk..... I believe Jax Teller was responsible for 64 killings in the entire season....


I honestly think Jax would have ended up dying in some way even if it wasn't the way it panned out in the end. Assuming Donna dying still happened I think Opie would have committed suicide by cop or a rival club member especially if Piney died.

We're speaking all hypothetical, though.


I found it quite ironic that their "brothers don't turn on each other" thing didn't hold. Tig vs Opie, Clay vs Piney, all the story with Juice, etc. Jax and the rest. They very eager to tear each other to pieces


I found it quite ironic that their "brothers don't turn on each other" thing didn't hold. Tig vs Opie, Clay vs Piney, all the story with Juice, etc. Jax and the rest. They very eager to tear each other to pieces

There is no doubt that hypocrisy ran wild in the club.

"Sons don't kill themselves" orly Jackie boi?


First of all i loved the show.

With their connections,and people they knew,there was no possible way to go legit.

They were deep into shi*,they could never go out.

I know we can speculate about this or that,but show isn't written that way.

Legit ways to make money was Caracara and Diosa + their car shop.But you cant earn as much as selling guns or drugs.There was no possible way to split in between them,because that would barely cover gas cost just to ride around town.

They would end up selling 'little something' just to earn enough for a normal living,which would lead to same shi* all over again.
