MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > I thought Jax was too harsh on Juice

I thought Jax was too harsh on Juice

I get that Jax felt betrayed in seasons 6 and 7 because Juice blabbed about the woman he was ordered to kill. Still, I think Jax was out of line.


So you dont think Juice would have deserved getting it in the cornhole?


nobody deserve to be raped. But juice did kill miles and club rules mean that's a death sentence. I think juice deserved to die thats it.


Too harsh? Juice killed another member and claimed that Miles tried to instigate the entire thing. He also ratted in order to make a deal and then he outed Jax to Nero. too hard on him? Juice was a rat and should have gotten a mayhem vote although I do agree to an extent that all the prison rape was a little too much.


I don't really understand why Juice didn't admit the black thing to Clay while he was still the president but chose to be a rat instead.


he thought he get kicked out.


Kicked out maybe, but not raped and then killed.


the club was all he had he told that to several ppl.


no, I agree, it was awful, when the whole story came out and the impossible position Jax had believed himself to be in became clear , plus, when Jax asked Juice solemnly to give him Gemma, he was nice enough to comply.

In return for that, Jax generously promised him rapid and relatively painless death.
Great deal.

reply spite of the way they go huggy-bear kissy-kissy with the bastards and every repugnant Gangsta in Oakland..if Juice got made as a black mix he would expect them to take a blowtorch to his back..


Juice did a lot of things he shouldn't have done. It was better to get him out of the club.

Also, Juice post season 4 was not the same Juice from the earlier seasons. Remember when he was their tech guy?


Juice betrayed Jax more than once and was going to throw the club under the bus without even personally pulling Jax off to the side and trying to talk to him.

He killed another club member to hide him ripping off the club.

He ratted on Jax to Nero about Darveny, whether the whole thing was right or not, he was still a rat.


the killing another member is a death sentence it's not harsh really the legal system does the samething with ppl. jax gave juice an exception too many times, but juice picked up on clay bad habits which is why they we're so close.


Let me make myself clear on my feelings about this whole Juice thing here. Juice did screw up majorly in season 4, that's for sure. In season 6, though, I think the situation was so much different. He didn't take evidence to a cop he spilled information to; he confided in Nero about a murder that was worst than it really had to be and was tormenting the *beep* out of him. I felt so very sympathetic for him in the final two seasons. You never rat, period. I get that. Him confiding in Nero about that murder was much, much different than what he did in season 4, though. Think about it. Overdosing the woman was enough to kill her. He smothered her, though, and that right there had to *beep* with his mind big time. Also, it's safe to say Jax betrayed Nero because he lied. And, even though that woman wasn't winning any Mother Of the Year awards and almost killed some of them during that shootout, she was a grieving mother who wanted to stay in Charming until her son was buried; while I understand Jax thinking she couldn't stay, I could see that fact tormenting Juice also. Juice had a lot on his plate ever since season 4; that murder in season 6, however, did way more emotional damage to him. I think him being forced to leave the club would have been punishment enough for him. Juice having to live the rest of his life without the Sons would have been brutal to him. Then again, Juice did kill Miles.


I hear ya Gem,

I felt bad for Juice too, because Eli making him steal that brick is what caused this domino effect for him. Although I thought it was a smart play for Lincoln Potter, because it was a great way to establish the present crimes clause in the RICO case. Juice killing Miles was wrong, and he felt the full weight of that mistake. So much that he was willing to kill himself for what he had done.

The only reason that he played ball with Potter is because he didn't want the club to be destroyed by federal law. Potter wanted the Irish Kings, not SOA. Juice knew that if Clay, Jax, Chibs, Happy, etc were at the meeting, they would do time but that they eventually would get out of prison. He wanted them to rest inside, knowing that the Reaper wasn't burned to the ground.

But luckily that wasn't the case.

I never could figure out how someone like Juice wound up in the club. I figured he was a graduate of Cal Tech or UCLA, but also had a passion for bikes. After meeting friends of friends, I guess he became a hang-around (male version of Crow Eater lol) He was a whiz at tech stuff, and loved pot, tats, bikes, and video games. I was hoping by the show's end that he would be taking Red Woody to online streaming...

The scene between him and Jax in the third to last episode, gives me goosebumps every time. He was willing to keep feeding the lie to Jax, until he learned that Gemma's actions had caused harm to a child. When Jax told him that Abel had cut himself, Juice couldn't take it anymore, and confessed the truth. He did so knowing what the consequences would be, but he didn't care. He was tired, and he just wanted it to be over.

He died with what little honor he had left, to keep the club's relationship with AB intact.


Juice was too weak to ever become a full patch.


Everyone seems to be ignoring the horrible things Juice did in season 7. Because of his lie, numerous people were killed. A man that had nothing to do with killing Tara was tortured to death. Bobby died because Jax wanted revenge against Lin and Marx was pissed. And then Juice killed Lin knowing he had nothing to do with Tara's death. Even Jax's death is on Juice because Jax was so hell bent on revenge he killed and broke numerous alliances.

Juice deserved what he got.


I agree, the lie that he and Gemma created was the first domino of a downward spiral.

Jax's death isn't on Juice though, because Jax never would have merited a mayhem vote if he hadn't killed Gibb and his friend. Jax also killed Jury without any proof either. The two of them should have sat down and taken it to the table.

I have to admit that I didn't know Juice was the one who helped make up the story until he confessed to Jax. I thought that was all Gemma.


Again though Jax did those things because of Juices lie. Everything Jax did in season 7 was about getting revenge on Lin, including killing the two guys and then killing Jury. If Jax never thinks Lin killed Tara, he doesn't kill the two guys and never has a fight with Jury.

Not to take any blame away from Jax, he deserved what he got too for killing those two innocent guys and then killing Jury. But Juices lie still started it.


Everyone seems to be ignoring the horrible things Juice did in season 7. Because of his lie, numerous people were killed. A man that had nothing to do with killing Tara was tortured to death. Bobby died because Jax wanted revenge against Lin and Marx was pissed. And then Juice killed Lin knowing he had nothing to do with Tara's death. Even Jax's death is on Juice because Jax was so hell bent on revenge he killed and broke numerous alliances.

Juice deserved what he got.]

This. All of this. This was exactly how I saw it too.

Juice was one of my favorite characters. But his lack of intimacy with both family and in love made him search for anyone who would show him any type of intimacy or attention. He was very much the weakest link. He just wanted to be a part of something great, to be important to his brothers. I think this is why he shot the sheriff. Tara was already dead, he had to make a choice. Save the matriarch or out her as the murderer. Should Jax lose his love and his mother? Whether he thought it was for the good of the club, or just because she was a mother figure to him. Its left for us to determine how we want to see it.
I see it as Juice made a decision based on his feelings based on his heart. It all came to bite him in the end. But he never gave up trying to get the people that he loved (but betrayed) to forgive him for what they knew. He took Gemma's secret w him until the end Jax asked him. Why he kept her secret when he longed for the love of his brothers still mystifies me. They loved him way more than Gemma ever did. She was selfish and manipulative. But I very much doubt that outing Gemma to the club would have been any better for Juice. Someone would have to take the fall for Tara's death. Juice's answer to Jack and to Unser were perfectly worded, and I could tell he regretted covering for Gemma. I believe he even hated her in the end. But he knew it was too late to get any love from the brothers he loved.

I don't know Butchie instead.


yeah, but most of those deaths on Juice , are in the unforeseen consequences category, events spiralling out of control have to feel something for the spot he found himself in..which, like Ades in Sopranos, ok, he made a stupid choice under pressure to kick things off, instead of just staying clean and taking his medicine as it came on things like the threat of being outed as black.

He always wanted to fix things, things to blow over, and him just go back to a simple life as a simple club-member.
Instead, partly because of Jax's own violence epidemic insane leadership, things just kept ballooning.
