Its still sad Jaxs Fate

He killed himself like his dad did. It breaks my heart, he should have lived I know he is just a fictional character but I was crying when he died. I just wonder what the pain all of his friends went through especially Chibbs.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


probably destroyed chibs.


Jax couldn't have lived, especially not after killing Gemma. He'd be on death row.


Jax was an idiot and a terrible leader. He was also 10 times worse than Clay in regards to the collateral damage due to his stupid actions.


that's totally up for opinion


Body count says it all


clay killed jt, piney and destoyed opie soul and got tigs daughter killed Clays worse.


clay only cared about himself he killed his bestfriend, that's how he's worse then anyone, I can feel for jax.


Clay at least cared for Gemma, and the community. He was well liked and respected up until he screwed up in s4. Jax only cared about "legacy" as if the club was with personal property. And the "family" only mattered when it was convenient.


True, Clay was President for almost 20 years and yes the club was in trouble from time to time but at least he didnt almost destroy it like Jax did in his time as President.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I don't like clay I said why already.


I agree with you about Clay. He was devious, broke the rules making Tig do the hit on Opie without a club vote, killing Opie's wife instead for example. Then he put the blame on the blacks, leading to unnecessary killing, just as Gemma later did. He was willing to kill even his best friend to protect himself and keep his lies and bad deeds secret.

Jax on the other hand owned up to his faults and mistakes and willingly accepted the mayhem vote against himself. He could have lied about how it happened but he told the truth, knowing it meant he would meet mr. mayhem. Clay would have lied. In fact he would have killed plenty of people to save himself to avoid that vote. He would have set up someone else if possible.

That is a big difference in character.

The bloodbath and high body count are Gemma's fault. People who want to look only at body count are blinding themselves to everything else.

Jax was just too trusting of his mom, and therefore believed the group was under attack. The killing of his wife, a civilian, demanded a response. He just could not imagine his mom was 1-lying about the Chinese, and 2- responsible for Tara's death.


up for debate-a matter of opinion


IDK tho Jax put the club in a terrible place and he was just as bad as Clay but Clay was ruthless and everything.

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it's sad that he had to take that nice old blue motorcycle with him.


He deserved it by the end. He became a hypocritical monster. There's no defending him killing Jury's innocent son. Or killing Jury and then lying about it. And he completely unnecessarily murdered Unser. Jax deserved to die.


Yeah true, it was still sad tho.

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He deserved it by the end. He became a hypocritical monster. There's no defending him killing Jury's innocent son. Or killing Jury and then lying about it. And he completely unnecessarily murdered Unser. Jax deserved to die.

Definitely. Don't know how anyone could side with him, knowing all of the innocent lives that he killed or destroyed. Must be because of his looks.


The guy had to go, he was a monster.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Maybe Maybe not.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I'm not so sure he died. We only saw his blood on the road. I think it was open-ended just in case they wanted to do Sons of Anarchy II: Jax in a wheelchair, never able to ride again. OR Jax could be like Captain Pike from Star Trek, trapped in some kind of life support box all scarred up, so someone other than Charlie H. could play him. There's all kinds of possibilities!



I'm not so sure he died. We only saw his blood on the road.

yeah...from the situation, head-on square into 18-wheeler, and everyone's reaction in faftermath , I'm pretty sure we had an 'unsurvivable injury/trauma" situation...

like the guy who fell under a dump-truck in the school between front wheels and rear axles almost in front of me when I was in high-school...something like what I witnessed in immediate aftermath , except probably more widespread..

I can't remember about semis in America on this detail even though I've looked over a few, but here, they almost all have a steel or alloy "bullbar" covering most of front face of prime mover for fending off animals like kangaroos on the road..
If there was any .001% chance of survival of head-on with one without that bar, the bullbar pretty much eliminates that remaining possibility..


I didn't like Jax as soon as he became president, but his suicide like his father made me cry at the end. Even him killing Gemma got me good.


it was an awful scene, that he had to gun down his mother,it's not very nice even though she is a *beep* but most people were more pissed about him killing Unser than Gemma..


I couldn't feel sad about Jax's death because that scene was so cheesy


That song made it sad.

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