MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Gemma getting away with threatening a mo...

Gemma getting away with threatening a mom at school drop-off

Isn't that like way too implausible?

I mean even if they own local cops, they don't have carte blanche to do anything they want.

Something like this, to a white (yes, race still does matter) middle class soccer mom, would result in:
- She calls 911 right then and there (or the second Gemma drives away)
- If the cops don't do anything, then FBI (SAMCRO is a nationwide criminal organization).
- Gets her lawyer to file restraining order against Gemma
- She gathers the other moms and threaten to pull their kids from the school unless something is done.

This is not a scumbag dad stealing from her hooker daughter whom Jax can beat up into submission.

Pulling their stunts where kids and moms are involved is something no crooked cop will put up with.


Imagine cops' reaction to "a crazy cow just treatened me that i'd be sh*tting mochachino for a month"


first they would


well, threatening some bitch who keeps honking you...could that be taken that far? No gun or weapon was pulled, threat involved defecation and that a specific threat?

Gemma pushed a cop backwards over her desk at the station house in front of several cop witnesses, and was back on street that day or next day..compared to that, what is a road-rage threat to some brain-dead soccer-mom ?


"Gemma pushed a cop backwards over her desk at the station house in front of several cop witnesses, and was back on street that day or next day"

That's because Athlea (or whatever her name is) CLEARLY skipped her police corruption 101 courses:
- ALWAYS be the one with leverage
- ALWAYS be able to crush any particular group that acts up

The Shield (where Kurt Sutter comes from) is a prime example of this principle (Mackey is on the take but NOBODY owns him and whomever thinks otherwise pays for it dearly, and he CAN crush any particular group/gang if he wants it bad enough).


That woman knew as well as Gemma that the cops couldn't touch her, and even if they did she'd be out shortly after. That's the beauty of being the Matriarch of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club.


When did she do that?


what, pushing the cop, or threatening the other woman driver at the school pickup?


The threatening other woman.


one afternoon, down at the school dropoff.....some woman behind her kept honking her...can't remember what the holdup was, what she was doing, but eventually she got out of car and went back to the woman and made the mocha threat..

maybe someone else can supply the episode number..
