MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > No Confederate flag in sight

No Confederate flag in sight

Anybody wonder why?


In the Civil War, California had only existed as a state for a couple years, was on the other side of the country, and was part of the North. In the South you have lots of people who claim heritage as a reason for displaying the flag, but California shouldnt have too large of a population in that category. That said, there are still plenty of rednecks all over the country who show off the flag to be rebellious or seem badass, but still.

Also, the show probably didn't want to glorify the Confederate flag. The flag has a lot of racist associations that are easier to just avoid.


yes...the moment they displayed that, even as anti-heroes, you know the heat they would take...not worth the bother.


But the show was filmed before those shootings, while the flag was not so unsavoury. And its a popular thing among bikers. That's why I found it a bit odd


yeah, I put the significance of the shootings as being the tipping point where I myself found out the point about that stars/bars flag and the actual CSA flag not being one and the same, but, yeah, you are right that the shootings prompted a fresh drive to pull those flags down from government buildings, however, even b4 that, it was a sore point.

I remember Burt Reynolds Trans-am in smokey and the bandit movies, having a Confed flag number plate...even b4 the shootings, you would not have had that in a more recent hollywood movie, where liberal Hollywood is more bound by kow-towing to political correctness.

there is a pretty good 90s movie starring Brad Pitt, called "Kalifornia" one scene, Pitt, who is playing a southern or Texas maybe I think , redneck white trash, goes onto a university campus with a confed flag baseball cap.
He asks one female student for directions.
You should see the reaction he gets.
And of course, our Sons are not Southern..a lot of clubs have been, but they are not.
Not even southern California, lol...Oakland I take it, is outlyer of San Franscisco?


Not American here so i might be quite ignorant... But about 12-15 years ago i had quite a few Confederate souvenirs given to me by my American friends, as something cool to wear (pins, sew-on badges, a t-shirt). And i remember really wanting that hat as Brad Pitt had...


But about 12-15 years ago i had quite a few Confederate souvenirs given to me by my American friends, as so

yeah , I don't doubt that, I mean, you can still buy swastika-motif gifts even in some specialist gift shops, you know?

But I mean, that so-called Confed flag...blacks and liberal groups have been whining and moaning about it for years, you know?

I remember an old episode of Vietnam war drama 'Tour of Duty", which was set in 1960s, this ep, the King assassination had just happened back in America...the soldiers of southern origin ran up a Confed flag at their camp...the blacks were not happy, said it was provocative...know what I'm getting at?

the symbol is actually popular or often seen here, even...very often 50s/60s classic cars which are not even actually american cars, have Confed flag number plate frames...also, you sometimes see it up in back of 18-wheeler truck sleeper cabs..


About swastika -- no, you can't buy such souvenirs in Europe. They are not just offensive and but pretty much against the law, unless its actual WW2 antiques.
However, communist symbols are not illegal, and actually pretty popular.


minor detail that came up when everybody was griping about the "confederate" flag on display in the south in the aftermath of the church shooting in Charleston or Charlotte or wtf..

that familiar 13-star X-flag is not actually THE Confederate flag exactly as such, it is not the CSA flag. They had one , for the Richmond government, but that is not it.As far as I know that true flag of the CSA is rarely displayed and most people in the south even, let alone anywhere else, do not even know what it was.
That flag of world-wide recognition referred to as 'confederate flag" is a military standard only, it is the banner of Lee's "Army of North Virginia" as at Gettysburg, as I understand it.


That flag of world-wide recognition referred to as 'confederate flag" is a military standard only, it is the banner of Lee's "Army of North Virginia" as at Gettysburg, as I understand it.

It's not even that. The Confederate battle standard was a square flag. The flag people refer to as "the Confederate flag", the rectangular flag that get's paraded as some "rebel" "heritage" symbol, was actually first used by the Ku Klux Klan, and quite some time after the Civil War was done and dusted at that! It is a Klan flag and nothing more.


The Confederate battle standard was a square flag

was it a square version of that same emblem?


People who display the Confederate flag often say it's a sign of being rebellious or outside the law....not that they are racist. For that reason, I wouldn't have been surprised if the SOA had that flag or wore confederate regalia of some sort....bandanas, patches, etc. I guess the show just didn't want to go there because of the racist connotation.


People who display the Confederate flag often say it's a sign of being rebellious or outside the law

exactly, come symbol of rebellion in general or wanting to be a badass...maybe someone who likes Rockabilly music for example, lol..

I would say that displays of it in SOA would not be worth the inevitable grief..

Pope, Marx,the Bastards, and that other brother they are friends with, wtf is his name, might piss them all off.
Oh, yeah, Eli might toss their compound again..


Pope, Marx, and Eli were no friends to SOA guys


About people saying they didn't have the flag shown because of the racist connotations it had?

The show was blatantly racist already as were some of the clubs IE The Real IRA, so I don't know why the flag would bring any more heat.


there is little doubt that somebody would bitch about do they NOT bitch about, these days, there is an offence industry and being aggrieved and offended by peniante *beep* is a full time career and vocation.In most of our countries, people are actually drawing a salary to sit around on their fat asses playing 'Gotcha" over this shyt.
Recently I saw some scarfed Arab qunt from CAIR made a lawsuit out of them not giving her an --unopened-- soda can on a flight.

when they redid Dukes of Hazard...was it still on the roof of their car, or had it conveniently and quietly been removed?
