MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Jax - Charles Matthew Hunnam - his accen...

Jax - Charles Matthew Hunnam - his accent

This character played by UK born HUNNAM intrigues me with his accent. Anybody else notice that in the episodes where the Irish are in dialogue, HUNNMAN has a significant taint of his natural UK accent in his speech, but in episodes absent of the Irish, his accent sounds American.?


but in episodes absent of the Irish, his accent sounds American.?

Well, a weird blend of American and British. He never sounded quite right, but I don't think Hunnam was hired for his skill with accents.

I am not complaining, BTW. I liked the show fine.


Well, Chibs was almost always around him and he uses his natural Scottish accent. So I imagine it was always sort of a struggle to maintain his American accent.


it is a constant topic here, but personally I never notice his UK-ness come through..


He didn't necessarily sound English, just weird, really. It's how I knew that he was putting something on - wasn't surprised to find out that he was English.
