
A few observations from this series:

- No way a young doctor would get involved with trash like Jax, no matter how much romance they had when they were younger.

- It is downright physically impossible for a person to be in the right place at the right time 100% of the time to intercept useful information like Gemma was.

- Jax Teller was the worst leader in the history of leadership. Going from bad to worse would be an understatement.

- I would have rather seen a show about a motorcycle club rather than a show about a has-been grandma.


Actually, i recently read an article, that professional women give preference to blue-collar guys. Because a mechanic would not resent his doctor or lawyer wife getting a higher salary. But another doctor would.
Don't know if it makes sense.


it makes sense, but not sure if I believe it..

not sure if I believe about giving preference to blue-collars either..there is too much snobbery invested in the whole area.
Snooty pretentious edgamacated women do not like admitting to each other at the latte caf that they did not land that 'big fish"..but some guy who makes his living with his, ewww, hands.

Another issue is that domestic violence is always associated with lower socio-economic..and I know everyone will bleat about exceptions and abuse being of a different kind in the upper socio etc, but nonetheless,is undeniable that there was always a trend here.
Drunkenness and domestic violence always were associated with blue-collar, and now, worse still, welfare collar..

All of this is how I see the world, anyway.

the point about Tara has of course come up b4 in many forms...why does the young doctor come back to small town and hook back up with motorcycle outlaw.
It always comes up, that Tara is a special case, on a couple of counts.
She is a lone-wolf and loose end herself...and she also had a special problem.


Snoberry is more typical to higher class, however, Tara came from similar background as Jax, only she did well at school and got a naice profession by merit.


Snoberry is more typical to higher class,

it is, but in the West in general and USA maybe in particular, 'university/college educated" IS seen as a class.

When you followed the recent election, the phrase came up the polling, even, they delineated.

although the same attitudes undoubtedly exist here, I do not recall ever in an an election campaign continual reference to these two streams of voters.
I'm not sure I ever heard the phrase or issue mentioned at all here, re elections, voters, or opinion polls.
Americans seem to be REALLY invested in this stuff.
It is watch Judge Judy, even, and the subject comes up even there. The plaintiff/defendent is said to have a college degree, or be in college, therefore, they must be really smart, even JJ seems to buy into this.

and, what you are looking at and listening to, with many of these people , is clearly a borderline imbecile.


I can't comment on America, but in Britain "class" thing is more to do with heredity and tradition. While university degrees are available to pretty much anyone willing (at a certain price too), but going to a super expensive private school as a child, inheritance of a family fortune, etc. -- its something you won't get by just being smart.

And Judge Judy (we have Judge Rinder here) -- you realise these shows exist for shock value. They wouldn't be tv shows if they weren't outrageous.


no, but they are not re-enactments, they are the actual persons,not actors, and in many cases they are obtuse dimwits...and yet, often stating having or working on some kind of toilet paper college degree...

and apparently, their opinion as such is not to be taken lightly, whereas everyone else's are the ramblings of illiterate hillbillys..


Not actors, but still a show. Wouldn't be, if they they were just normal, well-behaved people. Lots of things going on behind the scenes. And 'reality tv' often gets bad rep for baiting and exploiting vulnerable individuals.


Jax and tara were together in high school.
