MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > One paradox of this show..

One paradox of this show..

It's hilarious, the intensity and incidence of violence..but no one ever drops an F-bomb..

Was same on 'the Shield", of course..


what about blurays does anyone now?


it would not make any difference, there are not two actual versions of the show...all you get on boxsets are things like "deleted scenes"...the deleted scenes are not going to have a different level of swearing than the edited scenes...


They swear in gag reels


of course...but they swear in gag reels of Playschool...there is no scripted 4-letter swearing which makes it to air, of course..


Very unlikely. That would have required them to shoot two versions of every scene with swearing, or have a lot of editing with good dubbing. Lots of work for very minimal benefit.


They say 'Jesus Christ' instead. F-bomb is not allowed on TV


Well, F-bombs are common on other TV shows, obviously HBO F is the most common word..

this particular channel, Showtime , is it? does not do F-bombs..


Showtime does. This show belongs to FX and is a cable channel, cable shows dont allow them because anyone can tune in kind of thing. HBO and showtime need to be apart of your tv package.


yeah, I knew the explanation was something like that..

here, they are all part of the FTA TV (free-to-air)

this, the shield, Californication, HBO like Sopranos, Sex and the City, Oz, Boardwalk empire, you get them on normal channels..
So the swearing, ultra violence, sex and nudity is there, provided it is 9.30PM+
(hilarious because I have seen midday lunchtime movies with full-frontal nudity and F-bombs)

the downside is,although the shows are free, you have to contend with erratic unreliable time-slots where shows begin at different times to the one the EPG eas saying earlier in the day, and you are bombarded with commercials about every 6 *beep* mins..
(Jesus christ)



Random article on the internet, so keep that in mind, but I think it has some interesting info. I was trying to look up what the actual regulations are for what tv stations can show. FCC used to fine for violations, but it appears that they might be losing that ability.

In the past the general idea was that you couldnt have "bad" stuff on channels that any kid could come across while browsing channels on their own. Obviously the internet has changed that quite a bit. Any kid can pop onto a tablet or iphone or computer and watch the worst porn or violence that you could imagine, so its kind of pointless to make television over-restrictive.


yes, it is probably pointless to create rules whereby there are so many complaints of breaches that the censors are overwhelmed or desensitized to the really bad stuff...

the rules here have mostly been more liberal than the ones in USA over the decades, what the relative status quo is right now, I'm not sure...but I've got a feeling theswitchboard is more likely to get lit up by the professionally-offended, over an abstract racist or sexist remark, than by people running around with no clothes *beep* or offing each other..


yes, it is probably pointless to create rules whereby there are so many complaints of breaches that the censors are overwhelmed or desensitized to the really bad stuff...

the rules here have mostly been more liberal than the ones in USA over the decades, what the relative status quo is right now, I'm not sure...but I've got a feeling theswitchboard is more likely to get lit up by the professionally-offended, over an abstract racist or sexist remark, than by people running around with no clothes swearing, *beep*-ing , or offing each other..

some guy was arguing with a woman on a talk panel show couple of months back , and accused her of being 'hysterical" (which she was, understatement in fact she was a crazy-assed harpie)
Twitterverse etc went nuts over the diabolical connotations of the word 'hysterical'...there was an audible gasp and stunned silence in the studio are not allowed to use that word anymore, apparently.


that's right come to think of it, because Californication is Showtime, isn't it?

and there are 3-4 F-bombs in the average sentence in that show..


I should have remembered it was FX, actually, they throw the FX logo up at end of each ep, after the Sutter Link or Sutter Inc or wtf it is..


I'd rather hear the F bomb rather than Jesus Christ! every other sentence. Something about constantly saying Jesus Christ! seems WORSE to me...but I guess *beep* is a big no-no on some channels.


the issue on swearing on this show is that it is self-highlighting, conspicuous by it's absence...bikers who are killing people and being killed and in chases and fights and shootouts every ep...and no one says *beep* , lol.

the Jesus Christ" thing has become a hilarious drinking game just of this is not just Jax.

A clay "Jesus Christ" last week, in the episode where Carla jacks Gemma and Nero then blows her own brains out, broke me up.
I think there was another non-Jax Jesus Christ in this ep, too, forget who it was...maybe Unser?


I agree with you. But somewhere (in commentaries i guess) they mention that they were not allowed to use F
