MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > the killers on this shows

the killers on this shows

alot of people who watched this show say that all of the characters on this show who killed are physopath.History there are people some presidents even that have brutal killed people and are consider good people. Alot of these people aren't physopath and i think what bothers people the most is not having that label. I think it scares people that we are all capable of killing someone if we are pushed to a limit or if we are in the right circumstances we can do something like this. What terrfies most I think is that we wouldn't be consider phyopaths.


Most people with any common sense would not stick around in that club. For someone to see all the killing and pointless violence and not think "Maybe I should find a different group to hang out with", there must be something wrong with them.


When Jax was reading JT's manuscript, there was a mention they at first they were not evil, just had issues with authority.


I got issues with authority.


you missed the complete point of what I was saying.


It wasn't that they particularly enjoyed murder, for an exception of Happy and maybe Tig. They just grown used to it and desensitized. And sh/t got out of hand big time for Clay and later for Jax.



What are you trying to say? I'm really not sure.


Many times on this show when the characters killed someone it had nothing to do with being "pushed to the limit". It was for completely selfish and ruthless reasons. Some were understandable like Stahl, Pope, Galen, and August Marks. But many others were simply nothing other than cold blooded murder. And if you murder someone just for money or to avoid getting in trouble, you are a psychopath.


doesn't change the facgb


that they aren't phyopaths.


They kill without remorse and often manipulate events leading to the murders. Yes they are.


anyone can kill, ssome people hide emotions you need to look up physopath, the sons arent.


And if you murder someone just for money or to avoid getting in trouble, you are a psychopath.

I'm wondering about the latter...if someone could jam you up in the Max for next 20 years, would you need to be a psycho to look at moving on them..

actually forget about if it was 20 years in the a skinny white guy, try two or three years,these days, with what those places now consist of, I would regard as an unacceptable option, one way or the other.....


Then don't commit the crime that would send you there.

If you kill an innocent to keep your own pathetic ass out of prison, you're a psychopath.


In crime, as in war -- killing your enemy is necessary, collateral damage is inevitable.
A true and ultimate psychopath here was Gemma


If you kill an innocent person to avoid going to prison, you're a psychopath.


not true look up a phyopath the sons arent you just don't realise that we are all capable of killing no matter what.


And yet not everyone kills. Which shows your little theory to be stupid.

If you would kill people for money or to avoid getting in trouble, you're a disgusting waste of life.


but everyone is capable but if they do must be a phyopath.


People are capable out of extreme emotional distress like killing someone who killed a loved one. Not killing someone for money. Those people are freaks.


everyone has a price if you now your killing someone who deserve it easier


What? Maybe you are a psychopath. Crime is not necessary and killing people because of crime is certainly not.


these people aren't innocent they have it coming include rat people should not rat they now the risk.


We never established that we were talking about an innocent.

anyway, why are you taking this so personally?


If you kill an innocent to keep your own pathetic ass out of prison, you're a psychopath.

and I am also just kind of thinking out aloud, that my pathetic ass out of prison would maybe be a lot more pathetic when it was IN prison.
As well as a lot busier, potentially.


Do some research before you spew out nonsense. Prison rape does happen and is horrible, but it's not nearly as frequent as people claim. Former prisoners and prison guards all say it happens only rarely and most prison sex is consensual.

So you're basing your information of this show clearly because they show Juice and Otto getting raped. Apparently you think fiction is reality.


I can say we argree in prison rape atleast we see eye to eye on that
