MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > I think that Girl Friday of Nero's, Carl...

I think that Girl Friday of Nero's, Carla ...

Would have taken Gemma or Tara if they did not Smackdown tag team her like that..

she was working Gemma over pretty good when Tara introduced a foreign object in the ring , ie, hit her with pipe-wrench??? across back?


Indeed, Nero's bottom bitch was a worthy adversary.


SOA and BH90210...strange bedfellows...imagine the crossover.

Brenda Val or Kel as biker bitches..

(Steve already tried to get Clare on back of a bike...she yawned)

oh, yeah, whatsherface who already had her own bike...she would be great in this...she could take that Honda 250 or whatever it is on runs with Chucky....


Makes sense. They're both unintentionally hilarious soap operas set in California.

Tig moves in with Donna and Kelly...Jim Walsh becomes the club's new prospect...Jesse defends Nero after he's falsely accused of smacking a hoe ("Hermano, I'm no woman beater...I'm a companionator!")

The possibilities are endless...


Jesse defends Nero after he's falsely accused of smacking a hoe ("Hermano, I'm no woman beater...I'm a companionator!")


actually, the disasters which befall Kel-Kel, fires, rapes-abductions, stalkers, these dovetail perfectly with the Tara experience..Kel eventually goes down to a fork from Gemma ..not for taking her grandchildren to Oregon, but for being, well, being Kel.Kel had already survived a mysterious but terrifying message-attack by savage African crows, which mildly disfigured her.
Abel does not keep asking the awkward question 'why did Grandma kill that lady?" Like everybody else, he pretty much gets it already.

Ray goes on Son's radar, when one day on the freeway a pile of over-loaded pumpkins spill out back of his truck-2 prospects and their bikes are caught up in the major fender-bender which ensues. Ray puts his foot down and escaped the chaos, but the pumpkins, the truck and the incident will not be forgotten.
The Son's are already working on a complaint from one of the whores about a difficult client who got rough and pushed her down some stairs one night..

the porn studio becomes the PPAD's daytime money-spinner ..Val is against the idea initially , but begins dating one of the male performers who turns out to be a struggling artist with a habit, which is irresistible to Val......Donna walks in on the set one day but they tell her that it is just a late-night rock video for MTV,a Bloody Roos/David Silver collaboration, and Donna eagerly agrees to participate, partly reassured by the opportunity to innocently wear a very slutty outfit.Sandwiched between two heavily-endowed male artists, how far will Donna go along with all of this.

To work off a beach-bar Cerveza tab that exceeded the value of his watch, Dylan is pushed into a business venture with the Baja chapter of the Mayans..Jonesie and Christine Pettit warn Dylan that a RICO book has been opened on him..the family is not unknown to the authorities...Lincoln approaches Jack McKay in the joint.
Outside, Scotty goofing around impressing everyone with his Oklahoma cowboy guns-tricks, shoots himself and also stitches 6 unwilling birthday party-guests with a Mach10 which is traced to a SAMCRO/Irish shipment.
Gaylen remarks to Jax 'Aye, bad for business, we're allll in troob-el noooo"

Venus van Damme swings by the KEG house , on a lucrative Trannie-gram assignment which begins as a typical Frat prank...but Steve is mesmerised.
