The homeless girl

I apologize if this has been asked 100 times before, but who do you guys think the homeless girl actually was?

The last time she appeared in the final episode she left some bread and wine on the wall (more obvious Christian imagery). Even Jax asked her that last time, "Who ARE you?" to which she replied, "It's time."


Lol, it has been asked a thousand times and I almost made an *beep* statement saying that but I have no energy to do so and you seem to know that it's been asked enough already.

It's really open to your own interpretation, I guess, but I think the evidence suggests that she acts as some sort of angel of death. In reality, she was the mother of Brooke (Rat's GF in the last two seasons) that was one of the people that died as a result of Jax's father running into the semi. The semi jackknifed and caused quite a pileup and as a result the homeless woman was one of the people involved.


Lol, it has been asked a thousand times and I almost made an *beep* statement saying that but I have no energy to do so and you seem to know that it's been asked enough already.

Thanks. I figured it had to have been asked a ton but I don't know what any of the answers are, and IMDb doesn't supply a search on their threads.

So thanks for answering me and not blasting me.

It's really open to your own interpretation, I guess, but I think the evidence suggests that she acts as some sort of angel of death. In reality, she was the mother of Brooke (Rat's GF in the last two seasons) that was one of the people that died as a result of Jax's father running into the semi. The semi jackknifed and caused quite a pileup and as a result the homeless woman was one of the people involved.

I'm good with the angel of death thing, but what do you mean she was the mother of Brooke?

I like that idea a lot. It makes sense. Did Sutter say that at some point?


it the same women in the picture.


Do you remember Rat's girlfriend? Her name was Brooke and her mother died in the accident that JT caused when he hit the semi. Brooke was the girl that threw a wrench wrench through the ice cream show window and Jax went chasing after her. When he found where she lived and talked to her dad, he saw a picture of Brooke's mom and it was the same woman as the homeless woman we see throughout the series.

I think I've seen Sutter mention it once or twice or maybe I'm mistaken.


timosullivan-09439 and mgreen9715,

Thank you both. I completely missed that, and I have now watched the series twice.

I wonder if Sutter had that in mind all the way back in Season 1 when she first showed up, or if he developed the idea later.

Either way, I like the tie in to the story a lot.


deleloped later on most likely, kinda like the cop out with JT suicide even though he was thought to be killed by clay for 7 season.


kinda like the cop out with JT suicide even though he was thought to be killed by clay for 7 season.

That is one of the things which bothered me most about the series.

"Clay killed my dad, I've go to kill him."
"Clay killed my dad, I've go to kill him."
"Clay killed my dad, I've go to kill him."
"Clay killed my dad, I've go to kill him."
"Clay killed my dad, I've killed him."
"Clay didn't kill my dad. He committed suicide." (Even though Jax makes a big deal out of saying "Sons don't kill themselves." when Juice tried suicide.)


The JT death storyline was very incoherent. Clay went apesh/t over those letters - he wouldn't have been afraid if he wasn't guilty. Gemma admits to Nero that she ordered Clay to whack JT. Piney mentions to Tara that JT had been afraid before he died. What was there to fear if it was suicide?
Things just don't add up


Kurt Sutter said she's whoever you want her to be.
