anarchy is a good thing

if you take time to look up the defention you will so how good it is and how it can help this country. It's not all about chaoes.


Yes it is a good thing. But in the show these guys were so obsessed with 'leadership' that makes them a total opposite of anarchist ideals.




true anarchy is having no ruler and much more. Aside from that when the club first started I wonder if they followed anarchist ideals more. in jt journal he said to piney said "what they started was a good thing, what they become is a very diffrent thing".


Merriam Webster Definition: "Anarchy - a situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws"

How is anarchy a good situation for the country? Without government and laws you end up with a society ruled by warlords who take power by force, and everyone else just spends all their time trying to survive. Those arent the elements of a productive society.


you need to do research before you make comments


What definition of anarchy are you going by? Your whole thread is super vague. If you want to make points about why anarchy is good, why dont you list them instead of expecting people to mind read what you are thinking.



Thanks for posting specifics. That said though, I don't agree with this article.

5.) It Would Create Compassionate, Humble, but Courageous Leadership

“When individuals try to balance self-interest with a consideration of the bigger picture, they discover, as Socrates did, that deep self-interest actually includes concern for the good of the whole.”

My main issue with that article deals with the points above. I do agree with the second point, but I do not believe that it is the natural reaction for everyone in an anarchist society, which kind of goes against what the article is trying to say. The writer seems to have this skewed perception of what life was really like for hunter-gatherer tribes. It was not a kumbaya situation where everyone was happy and helped each other out and lived long peaceful lives. There are always selfish people out there who look for any opportunity to exploit others for their own gain. If its one weak selfish guy against a tribe of 50 nobler and stronger people, sure maybe itll be like what the article described, but if that selfish guy has a posse of selfish friends that are stronger than the rest of the tribe, it turns into a horrible situation where no one has rights and everyone gets abused by the few in power. For the article to be correct, every person out there has to be inherently nice and selfless, and if you look through history you can see that this is not the case.

Modern society certainly isnt perfect and has many horrible aspects, but its extreme to jump to the conclusion that we would be better without it. Overall, the quality of life has been improving steadily throughout history. I dont see how you could argue that going back to caveman times would be an improvement.


Anarchism isn't one singular philosophy. There is a lot of ideas and movements which even contradict each other -- from revolutionary radicals to grassroots movements. But the main principle is to reject the need for leadership and authority.


I was giving him a example.


but you now something anarchy it's fair, the samething can happen to everyone. everyone is on the same playing leavel


But the main principle is to reject the need for leadership and authority.

Well society does need leadership and government and authority. Without it you cant have most aspects of modern society. Where do you think the food you get at the grocery store comes from? One noble farmer putting in one good day of work? No, it comes from an intricate web of farmers and distributors and grocers and leaders who make things possible. Same goes for medicine and clothes and electricity and really anything that makes our quality of life better than a caveman's.

Anarchy doesnt level the playing field, it puts all the power in the hands of the people willing to abuse it who have the physical strength to back it up.


I've been involved in several anarchist community projects, and yes, on a smaller scale a lot of things are possible. It is what it is -- free grouping individuals, co-operation, collective responsibility, mutual respect, and there is no need for any sort of formal leader.

As for 'quality of life' better than a caveman's, just look at American elections. Is that clownshow the leadership and authority that the modern society needs? Really?


yes Julia, plus look at the canidates and there plans for this country it horryfing, but as long as everything goes to plan nobody panics.


What is an anarchist community project? Resodding the local soccer field? Picking up trash down by the lake?

As for 'quality of life' better than a caveman's, just look at American elections. Is that clownshow the leadership and authority that the modern society needs? Really?

I agree that this election is an embarrassment, but how is that a justification for getting rid of government completely?


Ignorance is strength.


I looked at your "definitions" at that link, and they are a collection of bogus BS crack pipe dreams.

There's a 100% effective acid test for every political principle or theory: has it EVER been implemented properly (at the scale you suggest, meaning at a national level)?

If the answer is no, then such principle is simply non viable, plain and simple.

Every socialist/communist theorist (whom couldn't applaud the U.S.S.R., China and other communist states enough until their destruction became too embarrassing and indefensible) when confronted with the reality of these communist states have always fell back on the "well those were not 'true' communist societies or states" mantra.

The obvious follow-up question is, has there EVER been such a society (not a hippy commune, but an actual country) in history?

The answer is NO.

Otherwise, if you accept such apology for communism, then you must also accept the same from neo nazis whom fault Hitler for "perverting" national socialism with his racism and hunger for power (which is absolute 100% BS).

Which proves that Marxism and other commi variants simply cannot deliver their promises of rainbows and unicorns to the masses no matter how it is packaged or presented.

And I include there modern conservatism (the kind that cannot fail but only be failed).

Unless you can point to a successful implementation of anarchist society/country, you cannot advocate for its implementation and at the same time excuse its failed results in Somalia like societies (now THAT is anarchy) as "improper implementation".


Nobody ever had a chance to do it on a national level. And please dont bring communism into this -- that is a sick cult, total control and enslavement.


Both are political philosophies at their cores.

So I think it's perfectly within bounds to bring up for an example of such political movements/philosophies/theories that when actually implemented it delivers anything but what was supposed to.

The animal kingdom is a perfectly clear anarchist system: everyone self governs and group up voluntarily.


Anarchism isn't a singular philosophy -- there are very many ideas which often contradict each other.
Here's a little book for general info


The animal kingdom is a perfectly clear anarchist system: everyone self governs and group up voluntarily.

Probably the best example, but even in nature you still have wolf packs with leaders and other forms of small leadership systems.

But yeah, the animal kingdom is brutal and not what we want to model governments off of.
