MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Why couldn't Jax leave the club earlier?

Why couldn't Jax leave the club earlier?

Why did he have to to wait for Clay's "retirement"?


gemma and clay prob


But why? Jax did not care for their feelings and certainly was not afraid of them. He understood that MC 'brotherhood' was rubbish, he didn't want his kids to grow up in Charming, and he knew Gemma was poison.
Was it that he also wanted to grab as much gun/drug cash as possible before checking out?


ya that it atleast that's what he told tara.


Because deep down he didnt want to leave the club. He was aware enough to realize that he needed to, but not aware enough to realize that he was the biggest obstacle to achieving that. The CIA/Cartel threat of RICO was a legitimate reason for him having to stay, but before and after that he had no reason to.

Honestly, what would Jax have done if he had left the club? Hes been a punk since the day he was born and has very few marketable skills. He might be able to get a security guard or bouncer type of job, but he would probably take it too far and kill someone and end up in jail. He is probably talented at fixing motorcycles, but he doesnt have the work ethic or respect for authority to be able to successfully work for another garage or start his own. Maybe he could just live off of Tara's doctor salary, but he would end up getting restless and starting trouble.


The club was his life and it's all he had ever known. Mostly everyone (well the fans, not us people actually surrounding him) knew that he'd never leave the club because that's just not who he was.

He honestly probably realized he wouldn't survive without it. I mean, what else was out there for him? He was smarter than the average biker, yeah, but he wasn't remotely book smart. He had more street smarts than anyone else but he was never going to live the stereotypical white picket fence wife, kids and a cushy job life.

After Opie died, he wanted to stay and keep the club together because if he had left and let it fall apart, then Opie would have died for nothing.

Jax cared a lot about the club, more than enough to sacrifice his family until the end, even.


That is right, Jax was basically born into the club and knew no other life. That's very likely, that if he left, he'd get bored with civilian life very soon, started drinking or else, and Tara would have dumped him. However after the NI adventures, after finding out that JT had wanted to take him and his brother away from Charming, even away from Gemma, he seemed pretty determined to put his family first for once. But what did Clay have to do with it? Why did he need to go first?


The club was his life and it's all he had ever known.
Isn't the very first episode about Jax coming back to the club after being away?

Seems like he knows a bit more about life outside of the club than you're giving him credit for.


Away from where it isn't mentioned. Short prison sentence maybe? He certainly didn't travel the world, serve in the army, or attend university. But he was a VP from very young age.


I think he's think of opie, cause he was the one who just came back not jax.


His Dad's writing, the dead kings ghost speaking to him, provided the reason to drive change. Tara and the kids drove his desire to leave.

He said he wanted to get enough money to support his family. He knew nothing else. So he was hanging on for the cash from the cartel. That did not work out well.

Then, he wanted to return the MC to his Dads desired state, and leave them healthy.

In the end he succeeded, but the price was high.


JT wasn't really the main reason he wanted to change the club, IMO. He knew that his dad was on to something and could see where exactly the club was at when Jax was VP but he wanted a secure future for his family but he also wanted the club to stay together and earn legit money.


