I'm going to say it...

Sons of anarchy was a masterpiece that blows 99.9? of other TV series out of the water. Nothing really comes close to the epic cliffhangers, unforgettable characters, and original soundtrack. Say what you want, but Sutter had his vision and chose to tell the story he wanted to tell. Walked dead? Pfft. Game of thrones? Nope. Why? Because the creators of those will want to milk it for as long as possible. So it had plot holes, so there was some repetitive dialogue.. so what! I've never looked forward to season finales as much as I did with SOA.. they were SO good. My only criticism is that soa was so good and it's finales so epic that it has made most other TV series boring and unwatchable.


First few seasons, maybe. Last few seasons, definitely not. I liked the show a lot but it was definitely milked for way too long.


First few seasons, maybe. Last few seasons, definitely not. I liked the show a lot but it was definitely milked for way too long.

Too long? It was only 7 seasons and even so every season only had 13 episodes. That's very unlike a lot of network shows and others like it. It ended at exactly the right time.


I'm going to say it....

OP, you're the real MVP. We should be homies.

I disagree with the last part. I've found about 7 or 8 shows that are the same or as good as Sons of Anarchy and are superior in their own ways.
